
后花园推荐中介之 奥克兰西区 New Lynn - 袁宁鲲 Aken Yuan

后花园推荐中介之 奥克兰西区 New Lynn - 袁宁鲲 Aken Yuan
摘要Aken,从事房地产行业长达8年时间,他辉煌的销售业绩使他被大家广为所知(分别于2006年,2008年,2011年的3月31日 取得New Lynn区域第一名销售员的佳绩,同时于2011年3月31日,被列为1300名销售员里的前第十三名)。 ...




   袁宁鲲Aken Yuan,从事房地产行业超过

10年时间,他 辉煌的销售业绩使他被大家广为所知(分别于2006年,2008年,2011年和2013 取得New Lynn区域第一名销售员的佳绩。并取得2012-2013奥克兰最大房地产公司公司7名)。


  在进入房地产行业之前,取得了经济学学士学位,并在中国最大的房地产开发公司之一里任职预决算工程师。 这样的工作背景赋予了他专业的房产知识和高超的市场营销技巧,以及敏锐的市场洞察力和对开发成本的掌控能力。  


  在房地产事业之外,享受和以及他们的两个可爱的孩子一起共度闲暇时光。他关爱儿童并积极投入及经济上支持 热心奉献的慈善基金

  选择是您正确明智的选择,他将为您创造可观的经济价值。 如果您想在目前的市场上进行房屋买卖交易,很乐意和您见面详谈。请今天就联系的团队,他们非常乐意为您提供有力的帮助。

We are very happy
with the outcome of the auction. We definitely made the right choice in
appointing you as our salesperson. You did your job meticulously and yes we can
definitely say you are a top Barfoot & Thompson’s salesperson and like my
husband rightly said – “Every time I talk to Aken on the phone his voice gives
me the impression that he is smiling on the other side”.

We are very grateful to Carl & Bonita for suggesting your name to us. We
called them first thing and informed them, as they are our very dear friends.
Will definitely recommend you to anyone else we know who is interested in
buying or selling.

Tina & Gladwyn

I recently instructed Aken Yuan to act as agent on behalf of my company, on the
sale of a property in Blockhouse Bay.

From our first meeting, Aken was the consummate professional. He was very
focused and had a firm grasp on the current economic climate and how that may
apply to my property. He was able to give me valid and relevant advice
regarding marketing and pricing.

Aken was positive, motivated and energetic. He was totally committed to the
task at hand and I always found him to be very organised and prepared. He was
willing to put in the time and effort necessary to attract potential purchasers
holding regular open homes and making himself available whenever required.

His strong interpersonal and communication skills, combined with his sound
ability to negotiate meant he was able to close a deal and provide me a
favourable outcome.

I would happily recommend Aken to any prospective vendor and would not hesitate
to instruct Aken again should the opportunity present itself.

S. Maud

It has been an absolute pleasure dealing
with you and Michelle. You both helped me to sell my last 2 properties and in
both instances you were able to get me pre-auction offers. The recent one was
most impressive as you got me an offer and also closed the sale within a week
of the property being listed!! Saved me a whole lot of hassle with open opens.
I would highly recommend you and Michelle and am confident that there is no
property that you guys cannot sell. Thank you for your prompt, professional yet
friendly service.


Aken is a hard
working and friendly real estate agent. As his passionate about and knowledge
of Auckland property, especially in the West, we have consulted him as our
purchasing and selling agent since 2006. Aken always contributes his
comprehensive effort to get the best deal for our properties. I have no
hesitate to recommend Aken as your real-estate agent.

Glen and Amy


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