

头条الكاتب: New Zealand
الملخص对于新西兰投资移民签证(AIP)的申请人,在进行相关符合条件的AIP投资之前,资金必须整体汇入新西兰并置于移民局可接受持有投资品(Acceptable holding investments)之中。





The Collinson Cash Fund is a new product launched by Collinson Funds Management in the New Zealand market. While ensuring the safety of funds, it leverages its preferred status with NZ banks, to provide investors with higher returns and flexibility, making it a very good cash management option for wholesale investors.


  • Safety First:

  • Attractive Returns:

  • Excellent Liquidity:

  • Active Investor Plus Visa (AIP) compliant:

    领升日日盈是新西兰领升基金(Collinson Funds Management)在新西兰市场推出的全新现金管理产品,在确保资金安全的前提下,利用领升基金在行业中的优先地位,为投资者提供高流动性和较高的投资回报, 是批发型投资者非常好的现金管理选择。


    • 安全第一:

    • 收益可观:

    • 流动性极佳:

    • 符合移民局AIP标准:

      hougarden100% invested in cash investments with NZ registered banks

      The Collinson Cash Fund prioritizes safety as its foremost concern. Investors' funds are held by an independent trustee company and 100% invested in cash investments with registered New Zealand banks.

      Fund Objectives

      • The target objective of the Collinson Cash Fund is to protect investment capital while also providing a higher return than standard bank deposits with low levels of volatility.

      • The Collinson Cash Fund invests in New Zealand dollar denominated cash investments.




        • 保护投资者的本金安全,同时提供比标准银行存款更高的回报且波动性较低。

        • 投资于以新西兰元计价的新西兰本地银行同业存款业务。

          hougardenInvestment Terms with an annualized return of 5.50%.

          The Collinson Cash Fund provides investors with high expected investment returns and liquidity. The fund's returns are calculated daily, with the current annualized return of 5.50%.




          hougarden3 days' prior notice

          The Collinson Cash Fund offers investors the ability to redeem funds with 3 business days' notice.


          领升日日盈基金的投资者,可以在提前 3 个交易日通知的情况下赎回基金,资金流动性堪比活期存款。

          Meets the requirements for New Zealand investment immigration

          For applicants under the New Zealand Active Investor Plus (AIP) visa program, prior to making relevant AIP acceptable investments, funds must be placed in acceptable holding investments.

          The Collinson Cash Fund meets the regulatory requirements for acceptable holding investments and can provide independent bank deposit certificates for each New Zealand Active Investor Plus (AIP) visa investor.


          对于新西兰投资移民签证(AIP)的申请人,在进行相关符合条件的AIP投资之前,资金必须整体汇入新西兰并置于移民局可接受持有投资品(Acceptable holding investments)之中。

          领升日日盈基金符合移民局可接受持有投资品(Acceptable holding investments)监管要求,可为每一位新西兰投资移民(AIP)申请者提供独立的银行存款证明。

          hougardenAbout Wholesale Investors

          The Collinson Cash Fund is currently only open to investors who meet the requirements of Wholesale Investors as defined under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013. Investors qualify as a Wholesale Investor if they meet the following criteria:

          • Person is an investment business

          • Person has in the last 2 years owned (or controlled) a portfolio of specified financial products of a value (in aggregate) of at least NZD1,000,000.

          • Person has during the 2 years before this subscription carried out one or more transactions to acquire specified financial products where the amount payable under those transactions (in aggregate) is at least NZD1,000,000 and the other parties to the transactions are not associated persons.

          • Person is an individual who within the last 10 years has been employed or engaged in an investment business and has, for at least 2 years during that 10-year period, participated to a material extent in investment decisions made by the investment business.

          • Person is a large investor if the person and its controlled entities have as at the last day of each of the 2 most recently completed financial years net assets of or total consolidated turnover exceeding NZD5,000,000.

          • Person will invest a minimum of NZD750,000 in Units in the Fund.



            领升日日盈基金目前仅向符合《2013 年金融市场行为法》定义的批发型投资者开放。如果满足以下之一的条件,则投资者为批发型投资者(需要提供必要的证明):

            • 投资者本身是特定的专业投资人士或特定的投资业务实体

            • 个人在过去2 年拥有(或控制)符合标准的金融产品投资组合,其价值(总计)至少为NZ$ 1,000,000

            • 认购前2年内,个人已进行一项或多项交易以获取符合标准的金融产品,这些交易的投资金额(总计)至少为1,000,000新西兰元,且交易的对手不是关联方

            • 个人在过去10 年内受雇或从事投资业务,并且在该10 年期间至少有2 年在很大程度上参与投资业务并且是做出投资决策的决策者

            • 个人及其控制的实体在最近的两个财政年度的最后一天,其净资产或总营业额超过NZ$5,000,000

            • 本次投资金额超过NZ$750,000

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    الكلمات الدالة:投资新西兰商业基金房地产
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