243 Lower Shotover Road 是一處位於皇后鎮與箭鎮之間的大型住宅用地,座落於廣受歡迎的鄉村住宅區「金三角」中心地帶。
此物業佔地6377平方米,擁有由Dravitski Brown設計的獲獎住宅,住宅面積為440平方米,包括兩個客廳、四個臥室及四間浴室,另有一棟90平方米的工作室/辦公樓,可作為獨立公寓使用。
住宅的特色包括高規格建造、溫馨迎人的氛圍、室內外生活流暢的連接、戶外娛樂區,以及擁有Coronet Peak和The Remarkables山脈的雙重美景。
243 Lower Shotover Road 通過「截止私下交易」方式出售。此銷售方式設定了提交報價的截止日期。在2025年3月20日截止日期之前,隨時可以提交報價並售出該物業,因此我們強烈建議您盡早詢問。
243 Lower Shotover Road, Speargrass Flat, Queenstown, Otago Hawthorn House243 Lower Shotover Road is a fine large-lot residential property centrally located between Queenstown and Arrowtown within the popular rural-residential area known as the 'Golden Triangle'.
Sited on the beautifully manicured 6377 square metre site is an award winning Dravitski Brown designed, 440 square metre home consisting of two living areas, four bedrooms and four bathrooms plus a separate 90 square metre workroom/office building which could be utilised as a self-contained apartment.
Features of the home include its high spec construction, its warm and welcoming nature, its great in/outdoor living flow, the outside entertaining area, and that it has coveted dual vistas of both Coronet Peak and The Remarkables mountain range.
243 Lower Shotover Road is offered for sale by 'Deadline Private Treaty'. This method of sale sets a date by which offers must be submitted. An offer can be made, and the property sold at any time prior to the 20 March 2025 deadline, so your earliest enquiry is strongly recommended.
Contact us today.
Deadline Sale: Closes 1:00 p.m. Thursday 20 March 2025 (unless sold prior)