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地址:10 Ellen Johnson Terrace, Lake Hayes
系列:2024/25年夏季 | 鄉村系列
這座阿爾卑斯鄉村住宅由Team Green Architects設計,該建築事務所在能源效率和被動式房屋設計方面享有盛譽,被認為是行業領導者。這座美好的家庭住宅已有超過10年的歷史,現在是時候讓新主人享受這座獨特物業和夢想地點所提供的高品質生活和生活方式了。
10 Ellen Johnson Terrace, Lake Hayes, Central Otago / Lakes District Nordic Country**Visit oliverroad.com or the direct link below for extensive information, floor plans and more photo/video content**
Direct Link: https://olvrd.nz/10elle
**Viewings of this property are available 7 days a week**
Address: 10 Ellen Johnson Terrace, Lake Hayes
List Price: 3,650,000 NZD
Status: Active/On Market
Collection: Autumn '25 | Country Collection
To answer your first question, yes - three properties have been listed in Threepwood at the same time and thankfully, this is purely a coincidence. These properties are completely protected from future development nearby, they enjoy magnificent year-round sun, and offer myriad benefits to those in seek of a private lakeside home in a semi-rural environment.
This alpine country home was conceived by Team Green Architects, a firm highly regarded and recognised as leaders in energy efficient and passive house design. Having been a wonderful family home for just over 10 years, the time has now come for new owners to enjoy the quality of life and lifestyle this unique property and dream location offers.
Direct Link: https://olvrd.nz/10elle