欢迎来到6/60 Charles Street, Waltham!这是一栋坐落于Waltham中心地带的两层两居室联排别墅,于地震后建造,完美融合了舒适、便利与现代生活的精髓。无论是首次购房者、小家庭,还是精明的投资者,这里都是您在这片充满活力的社区中安家置业的理想之选。
6/60 Charles Street Waltham为您呈现以下亮点:
* 两间宽敞的卧室,为您提供私密而舒适的休憩空间。
* 一间设施齐全的浴室,配备淋浴、卫生间和洗手台,满足日常生活的需求。
* 开放式厨房与宽敞的用餐区和客厅相连,营造出通透而温馨的家庭氛围。
* 客厅配备高效空调,确保四季如春的舒适体验。
* 良好的室内外流动空间,通往朝北且全围栏的后花园及烧烤区,是您享受阳光与自然的绝佳场所。
* 内进式单车库,为您提供便捷的停车与储物空间。
* 洗衣区位于车库内,功能分区明确,生活更加便利。
* 双层玻璃窗,有效隔音保温,提升居住品质。
* 目前已有租客,适合投资者即刻获得稳定收益。
这处房产不仅坐落于Waltham中心地带,更被丰富的社区资源环绕。步行即可抵达学校、公园和公共交通站点,生活所需触手可及。您可以尽情享受充满活力的社区氛围,同时距离市中心仅需短暂车程,便捷与宁静兼得。此外,该房产还位于Waltham小学和Te Aratai高中的优质学区内,为您的家庭提供优质的教育资源。
*温馨提示:本信息可能来源于第三方,包括Core Logic、新西兰土地信息局、地区议会、CERA、业主及其他来源,我们未能独立核实其准确性。土地和建筑面积测量数据为近似值,边界线仅供参考。
6/60 Charles Street, Waltham, Christchurch, Canterbury Post Quake Townhouse With Garage!Asking price $539,000
Welcome to 6/60 Charles Street, Waltham! This is a charming two-story post-quake two-bedroom townhouse in the heart of Waltham. This home perfectly balances comfort, convenience, and contemporary living and is an ideal purchase for first-time buyers, small families, or savvy investors looking to secure a piece of this vibrant community.
6/60 Charles Street Waltham Offers:
* Two spacious bedrooms
* One bathroom with shower, toilet and vanity
* Interconnecting kitchen with good size dining and living area
* Heat pump in the living area
* Good indoor/outdoor flow to a North facing & fully fenced back garden & BBQ area
* Internal access single garage
* Laundry is in the garage
* Double glazed
* Currently tenanted
Nestled in the heart of Waltham, this property is conveniently located near local amenities, schools, parks, and public transport, ensuring you have everything you need right at your doorstep. Enjoy the vibrant community atmosphere while being just a short drive from the city centre. In zone for Waltham Primary School and Te Aratai College.
Asking price $539,000
Please download the property files from here: https://www.propertyfiles.co.nz/6.60charlesst
Please call Elpi or Rebecca for further information or to arrange a private viewing time.
*Source: Please be aware that this information may have been sourced from third parties including Core Logic / Land Information New Zealand / Regional Councils / CERA, owners, and other sources, and we have not been able to independently verify the accuracy of the same. Land and Floor area measurements are approximate and boundary lines as indicative only.