The Ridge Residences——在这里,您将发现一系列设计精美的联排别墅,提供2至3间卧室、1至2间浴室,并配备专属停车位。如需了解更多户型平面图及详细信息,欢迎随时与我们联系。
这里不仅是一个居所,更是一片绿意盎然的天地。广阔的草坪与蜿蜒的小径交织成画,为您营造出宁静而充满生机的居住环境。每一处室内设计都经过精心雕琢,每一寸景观都经过细致规划,The Ridge Residences以无微不至的细节,为您打造一个真正意义上的家。
地理位置优越,距离Browns Bay Beach碧海金沙仅咫尺之遥,Westfield Albany购物中心也近在咫尺。The Ridge Residences完美融合了都市生活的便利与自然环境的静谧,为您呈现一种平衡而优雅的生活方式。无论是休闲漫步还是日常出行,这里都能满足您对理想生活的所有期待。
2 - 24 Kanapa Road, Northcross, North Shore City, Auckland Brand New & Close To The Beach!The Ridge Residences - discover a variety of townhouses - 2-3 bedrooms, 1-2 bathrooms plus carparks - contact us for floor plans and details.
Boasts versatile green spaces, including expansive lawns, winding pathways. The meticulously crafted interiors and carefully landscaped grounds reflect the attention to detail evident throughout The Ridge Residences, ensuring that every aspect of the property feels like home.
Just a short distance from Browns Bay Beach and Westfield Albany, The Ridge offers the perfect balance of urban living and accessibility.