这套宽敞的5居室别墅坐落于North Glen Innes最受欢迎的街区之一,占地面积达892㎡,无疑是一处极为抢手的宝藏物业。根据统一规划,它被规划为混合住宅城区(MHU),为您即将启动的项目提供了绝佳机会。
别墅地理位置极其便利,靠近火车、公交,咖啡厅和超市,毗邻St Heliers边界,蕴藏着巨大的开发潜力,将为奥克兰市中心市场提供急需的新住宅。
Property Title: Freehold, 893 sqm
Zoning: Residential-Mixed Housing Urban Zone
Utilities: On-site storm and wastewater infrastructure
Current Valuation: $1.85M with a land value of $1.825M
Dimensions: Frontage > 25m | Depth > 52m (approx.)
Home Details: 5-bedroom weatherboard house built in the 1950s in very poor condition.
Our vendor requires a sale and is open to all offers. Please don’t hesitate to express interest.