这处位于Flat Bush的宽敞转角房产,宛如一颗珍宝,静候有缘人的发现。业主因迁居澳大利亚,此房产现处于必须出售的状态——它或许正是您梦寐以求的理想家园!
- 家庭梦想之居:5间宽敞卧室与4间雅致浴室(包括2间套间浴室),为每位家庭成员打造了舒适私密的个人空间,让家的温暖无处不在。
- 经典与坚固并存:砖与Weatherboard外墙的巧妙结合,不仅坚固耐用,更散发着历久弥新的经典魅力,仿佛在诉说着岁月的故事。
- 便捷与温馨交织:双车库设计,便捷的高速公路入口,让出行无忧;而周边温馨的社区氛围,则为您的生活增添了一抹温暖的色彩。
- 全新生活篇章:随着业主踏上澳大利亚的新征程,这处房产也迎来了全新的开始。这是一个不容错过的绝佳机会,或许正是您开启新生活的钥匙!
- 无限增值潜力:此房产保留了2000年代的原始风貌,如同一张待您挥洒创意的空白画布,静候您的个性化装点。屋顶近期已进行精心维护,数月后便将焕发出崭新的光彩——维护费用已由业主慷慨承担!
5 Glasson Avenue, Flat Bush, Manukau City, Auckland MUST SELL! Owner Relocating! Stunning Corner home423m² Land | 222m² Living Space | 5 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 2 Suites | Double Garage
This spacious corner property in Flat Bush is a rare opportunity! With the owners committed to relocating to Australia, this is a genuine must-sell situation - and it could be your perfect family home!
Why You'll Love It:
- Perfect to Families: 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms (including 2 ensuites), offer plenty of space for everyone.
- Built to Last: Brick and Weatherboard exterior combines durability with timeless charm.
- Convenient Living: Double garage, easy highway access, and a warm community vibe.
- A Fresh Start: With the owners relocating to Australia, this is a genuine must-sell opportunity!
- Add-value Potential: This home is in 2000's original condition, offering a blank canvas for your upgrades and personal touches. The roof has recently been serviced and will look as good as new in just a few months - invoice already paid by the owner!
This is your chance to secure a fantastic property in a sought-after location. Don't wait - This home must sold in Auction!