NAI Harcourts 怀着无比自豪的心情,为您呈现这一代际难逢的投资良机——一座傲然矗立于Browns Bay繁华心脏地带的优质物业。2014年,这座物业经过全面翻新,焕发出崭新的生命力。如今,它汇聚了8家优质租户,其中包括ASB银行和Coffee Club等家喻户晓的全国品牌。位于Clyde Road 38-42号的这处物业,以其多元化的租户组合——涵盖餐饮、零售和专业服务等多种业态,展现出稳健的投资风险特征和卓越的增值潜力。
这座物业坐拥Clyde Road与Inverness Road交汇处的黄金地段,占地1,487平方米,拥有约71米的双面临街零售展示面,租户面积从36平方米到226平方米不等,灵活适配多种商业需求。物业总净可出租面积达1,092平方米,并配有12个停车位,可通过Inverness Road便捷出入。此外,物业后方还设有一个装卸区,为租户提供高效的内部物流支持。
- 永久产权,黄金拐角
- 多元租户,稳定收益分散投资风险。
- 约71米的双面临街零售展示面
- 净可出租面积约1,092平方米
- 土地面积约1,487平方米
- 80% NBS评级
- 3.0 WALT
- Business Town Centre规划
若您希望了解更多详细信息,或预约私人看房,请随时联系Isaac(电话:027 702 0663)或Nick(电话:021 070 9850)。这座物业不仅是投资的明智之选,更是您财富增值的绝佳伙伴!
38-42 Clyde Road, Browns Bay, North Shore City, Auckland Generational InvestmentNAI Harcourts are proud to bring to market this generational investment opportunity prominently positioned in the vibrant heart of Browns Bay. Extensively refurbished in 2014; this property comprises of 8 tenancies including national brands ASB Bank and Coffee Club. 38-42 Clyde Road has an excellent investment risk profile which is occupied by a range of business uses including hospitality, retail and professional services.
Located on the corner of Clyde Road and Inverness Road the property boasts of a land area of 1,487 sqm and approx 71m of prime retail frontage with tenancies ranging from 36sqm to 226 sqm. A total net lettable area of 1,092 sqm and 12 carparks which are accessed via Inverness Road. A loading bay at the rear of the property provides internal access to the tenancies.
With a healthy effective rental income of $433,150 + GST p.a. this opportunity is one you don't want to miss.
Investment Highlights:
- Freehold corner site
- Multi-tenanted Investment
- 71m (approx) of corner retail frontage
- 1,092 sqm of net lettable area (more or less)
- 1,487 sqm land area (more or less)
- 80% NBS rating
- 3.0 WALT
- Zoned Business Town Centre
For more detailed property information or to arrange a private viewing contact Isaac 027 702 0663 or Nick 021 070 9850.