Johnny Trifunovich

Johnny Trifunovich

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Born and raised on a Vineyard in North West Auckland, Johnny found himself drawn to the far away calls of ancestry Europe, spending 23years in London. Having left Auckland University training to be a Secondary Teacher, life took a direction change, which found him spending 14 years in the Hospitality industry running a variety of dining establishments, ensuring things ran smoothly and taking care of staff and customers alike.

With the turn of the Millennium, Johnny moved from the social to the more personal aspects of life, having always found a people based career is where his heart lies and his talents exceed. Personal Training and Massage Therapy, has enhanced the past 10 years of his evolving career with the focus being to listen and establish what clients want and assisting them in accomplishing their goals. 

His passion for helping people combined with taking risks and exploring possibilities, took him to run week long Yoga and Adventure holidays in the exquisite Pyrenees in the South of France. 

Johnny’s grounded and lively approach teams up with his attention to detail and desire to do his best for you. 

If you’re wanting to get an appraisal or sell your home, call him, he’d love to hear from you.