Commercial North Shore Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Bayleys, North Shore Commercial
James Hill

James Hill

Director英语Commercial North Shore Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Bayleys, North Shore Commercial
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Selling is in James Hill’s blood – with decades spent honing the craft of building customer service through such industry sectors as insurance, time share apartments, exhibitions, and events.

James Hill brought his honed sales skills to Bayleys’ commercial and industrial division in 2006 - appreciating that building and managing client relationships would be the foundations for a long-term career in a city where reputation and credibility are everything.

Underpinning James Hill’s drive for delivering ultimate customer service are a set of fundamental business practices - including planning, meticulous time management, industry knowledge, wider appreciation of town planning and development dynamics, and dogged persistence.

As an active cricket player and golfer (with a pair of aces to his credit), James Hill’s competitive nature is reflected in the ‘fight’ he puts into marketing clients’ properties.

“I’ve found that the more you put into developing business networks and growing a profile in the commercial property community, the more that comes out in terms of engineering successful sales and securing on-going listing campaigns,” says James.
Utilising a broad exposure to a raft of different commercial and industrial property types - in conjunction with listening to, and learning from both vendors and purchasers - James Hill has come to recognise the multiple road blocks and hurdles which can lie in wait to ambush a successful marketing campaign. Consequently, James knows how his clients can structure their deals to accordingly avoid those pitfalls and attract the widest potential buyer interest possible.

“Because buyer competition underpins a property’s value at the conclusion of the marketing process,” he says. 

Whether it’s initiating structural maintenance and improvements programmes, negotiating longer tenancy lease terms, or securing new tenants before taking a property to market, James Hill prepares vendors for embarking on the most appropriate course for steering toward the best possible sales outcome - achieving the maximum value possible value for a vendor’s listing.

James constantly keeps his marketing approach up-to-date by utilising the full tool kit of collateral within the Bayleys arsenal – encompassing the print, digital, and broadcast mediums, in conjunction with database profiling and showcasing listings across the wider Bayleys network of commercial and industrial sales colleagues.

James Hill Top 10 suburbs (過去24個月)
