私密位置,融合舒適、奢華與風格,這座獨特的住宅坐落於Te Awamutu中心地帶的核心。位於一條歷史悠久且安靜的街道上,距離主街僅幾分鐘的步行路程。此住宅佔地約276平方米(或略有差異),坐落於一塊約450平方米(或略有差異)的平坦地塊上。提供高標準層高的戶型,包括3間臥室、兩間瓷磚浴室、兩個起居區、一個辦公區以及一個步入式亞麻房。廚房寬敞,配有雙層管事櫥槽和一個大型Smeg獨立式烤箱。廚房地板為意大利旗石,檯面為工程石。住宅為兩層樓,包括完全景觀化的花園,兩個起居區均設有法式門通往寬敞的戶外生活區。雙車庫設有內部通道。整個住宅和花園均設有優異的儲物空間,並且圍欄完整,專業景觀設計達到非常高的標準。供暖系統包括兩個熱泵、一個低排放木材火爐,以及兩間浴室和廚房的地暖。在打造這個獨一無二的避世天堂方面,開發商沒有任何保留。不要猶豫,抓住這個在這個令人嚮往的社區中難得一見的寶石。現實的賣家準備討論並考慮任何現實的報價。資產評估價值為$1,250,000。最近由一位聲譽卓著且經驗豐富的估價師完成的市場估值為$1,310,000。如有需要,嚴肅買家可查看此估值。如需安排看房或了解更多信息,請聯繫Adam McGrath。
229 Young Street, Te Awamutu, Waikato Well-Built Bespoke HomeHELLO Yes! I'm still here … waiting to captivate you… perhaps you've been hesitant in coming to see me…perhaps you've just discovered me …I'd love to welcome you… Yes! I am a well-built modern home yet made to look olde world. What I can offer you:
Open plan kitchen living - with Italian flagstone tiled floor
Two living rooms
Three double bedrooms
Large, tiled ensuite - upstairs
Tiled family bathroom - downstairs
Two heat pumps, one low emission log fire, and underfloor heating in both bathrooms and kitchen
Internal access double garage
And so much more.
I really am unique and one of a kind as no expense has been spared in the creation of this sanctuary. My vendor is obviously realistic about pricing in the current market, so make the most of this opportunity to secure this quality property. CV is $1,250,000 with the market valuation completed by a reputable and experienced valuer coming in at $1,310,000. This valuation may be viewed by serious buyers.
Call today about viewing this rare and extraordinary property to arrange your private viewing as this really is the best way to see and hear all this property has to offer.
Contact Janeane on 021 883 753
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