在新西兰炙手可热的皇后镇,著名开发商Gibbons Co.荣耀呈现一个杰出项目——Five Mile Villas。位于Frankton地区,一片繁华与自然交织的乐土,即将绽放226颗璀璨的明珠,每一颗都是温馨家园的象征,将时尚生活与可负担性完美结合,预计将于2025年初揭开神秘面纱。
与享有盛誉的环保设计大师Designgroup Stapleton Elliott携手,Five Mile Villas在建筑中诠释了绿色生活理念。无论是寻求温馨的冬季度假屋,首次置业的买家,还是着眼于皇后镇火热房市的投资者,这里都是理想的选择。
Frankton地区的黄金地段,让您近享滑雪天堂Remarkables和Coronet Peak的畅快淋漓,以及皇后镇国际机场的便捷出行。
Five Mile Villas的价格更是竞争力的体现,提供停车位选购服务,确保您获得超值的居住体验。别墅内部装饰精美,采用雪松、橡木等天然木材,每一处细节都透露着对品质生活的追求。宽敞的玻璃推拉门,让室内外生活无缝衔接,将您引入一个令人惊叹的自然世界。
Gibbons Co.以无与伦比的卓越体验为使命,在新西兰打造了50多个成功的住宅项目,其卓越成就有目共睹。
欢迎访问 https://www.fivemilevillas.co.nz/,开启您的梦想家园之旅。
Construction is well underway, with the first stage of homes on track to be completed in late Q1 2025. Now accepting a 5% deposit!
Proudly introducing Five Mile Villas, brought to you by renowned developer Gibbons Co. Located in Queenstown, Five Mile Villas will consist of 226 standalone residential homes nestled in Frankton, presenting an enticing blend of stylish living and affordability.
Crafted in collaboration with Designgroup Stapleton Elliott, renowned for their environmentally conscious designs, Five Mile Villas embodies architectural finesse. The development caters to all, whether it's individuals seeking a cozy winter retreat, first home owners or investors eyeing Queenstown’s burgeoning real estate market.
Priced competitively, with car parking available for purchase, Five Mile Villas promises exceptional value. The homes boast premium finishes, including natural timbers like cedar and oak. Each residence seamlessly integrates indoor-outdoor living, with expansive glass sliding doors providing access to private backyards and breathtaking views.
Strategically located in Frankton, enjoy convenient access to a plethora of attractions and amenities. From the renowned ski fields of The Remarkables and Coronet Peak to the bustling Queenstown International Airport, residents enjoy unparalleled convenience and connectivity.
What sets Gibbons Co apart is its unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional experiences for its customers. With over 50 successful housing projects across New Zealand, Gibbons Co's track record speaks volumes – so you can be confident that you are buying a quality home.
Contact our sales team for further information or to organise a visit on site.