無與倫比的奢華與美麗……位於Remuera北坡的532 Remuera Road是一處國際標準的精緻物業。其歷史意義與1914年由Roy Binney設計的建築風格息息相關。Binney從英國學成歸來,師從著名的英國鄉村別墅設計大師Sir Edwin Lutyens。今天,這座住宅在保留歷史精髓的同時融入了現代化元素,成就了一個真正完美的頂峰之作。設施滿足各方面的豪華生活需求,從網球場到游泳池,從美麗的意大利式花園到娛樂酒吧,還有健身房、普拉提房和賓客亭。原始設計包括一個舞廳和撞球室,這一切都彰顯了這座住宅的奢華與娛樂潛力。從山谷向下望去,唯一能讓您意識到自己身處奧克蘭的是港口的景觀。這裡有和平、隱私和陽光。這個家是歷史、現代性和自然交融創造出的真正無與倫比的生活體驗。僅限私人預約參觀 - 請致電 Terry King 021 484 332 或 Diana King 021 613 884。
532 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland Pinnacle of PerfectionUnparalleled Opulence and Beauty... 532 Remuera Road is an exquisite property, of international standards, sited on the Remuera northern slopes. The historical significance is tied to its architectural design by Roy Binney in 1914. He had recently returned from studying under Sir Edwin Lutyens, the most famous designer of the classic English Country House. Today the blending of modernisation whilst preserving its historical essence has created a home that is truly at the pinnacle of perfection. Amenities cater to every aspect of luxurious living, from the tennis court to the pool, to the beautiful Italianate garden, to the bars for entertaining, the gym, pilates room, and guest pavilion. The original design included a ballroom and billiard room all confirming the opulence and entertainment potential of the residence. Views down the valley to the harbour are the only indication you are in Auckland. Peace, privacy, and sun. This home is where history, modernity, and nature coalesce to create a truly unparalleled living experience. Viewing By Private Appointment Only - please call Terry King 021 484 332 or Diana King 021 613 884