这座宅邸凭借无与伦比的地理位置,淋漓尽致地展现了中世纪“复古”建筑的独特韵味。居高临下,坐拥 180 度壮阔全景,Hauraki Gulf的碧海蓝天尽收眼底,远方的大屏障岛(Great Barrier Island)、小屏障岛(Little Barrier Island)及Coromandel半岛,宛如一幅气势恢宏的画卷,在眼前缓缓铺展。
特色石材点缀其间,水磨石地板(terrazzo flooring)低调而不失格调,大面积落地玻璃不仅赋予建筑坚实感,更让视野无限延展。错层式布局动静分明,而双起居空间则兼顾了功能性与舒适度,使生活更显从容自在。
宅邸坐落于约 2.1767 公顷(约 5.4 英亩)的缓坡地块之上,被茂密的原生灌木丛环抱,静谧而隐秘。四片开阔的牧场,为饲养牲畜、户外探险或举办活动提供了无尽可能。双车棚的设计兼具实用与便利,满足多车家庭的需求。
这里不仅享有高地独有的幽静与壮丽景观,更是奢享生活的理想之所。私密而不偏远,短短数分钟车程,即可抵达迷人海滩、Westfield购物中心、高速公路枢纽以及顶级公私立学校。此外,睿智的投资者不难发现,这片土地还蕴藏着未来的开发潜力——作为“Residential Large Lot“分区的一部分,或可进行细分开发(需经市议会审批)。
如果您正在寻找一处真正不同凡响的居所,欢迎联系 Tara 或 Ailsa,了解更多详情。
308 Okura River Road, Okura, North Shore City, Auckland An iconic era, an unrivalled viewUnparalleled in its position, this home is a pure expression of mid-century 'retro' architecture, claiming a commanding 180-degree panorama over the Hauraki Gulf out to Great Barrier, Little Barrier and Coromandel!
With streamlined brick construction, soaring stud heights, and rich timber-lined walls and ceilings, this home is a true statement of its era, while shifting light and tide transform the landscape into a living extension of the design.
Feature stonework, terrazzo flooring, and expansive glazing reinforce the strength of its structure, while a split-level layout and dual living areas offer both fluidity and function.
Four bedrooms and two bathrooms provide ample accommodation, with sheltered decks and sweeping lawns making entertaining effortless.
Set on 2.1767 ha (5.4 acres approx.) of gently contoured land and enveloped by native bush, the property unfolds across four paddocks, offering space for animals, adventure, or events, with a double carport providing sheltered practicality for parking.
Elevated for seclusion, serenity, and uninterrupted views, this property offers the elusive combination of lifestyle-block proportions and absolute convenience, immersed in privacy yet just minutes from beaches, Westfield, motorway links, and top public and private schools. Furthermore, astute buyers may recognize its subdivision potential (subject to council approval), as it sits within the 'Residential Large Lot' zone.
A showpiece with both home and land, this home will captivate those who value its authenticity, while its extraordinary setting invites huge opportunity for enhancement, reinvention, or a bold new beginning, ensuring broad appeal across the buyer spectrum.
If you are looking for that something truly special, contact Tara or Ailsa for more information.
Tender Sale closing 12pm, Wednesday 26th March 2025 (unless sold prior)