拍賣:2024年10月16日星期三上午9:30於8-12 The Promenade, Takapuna舉行(除非提前售出)
• 位於Forrest Hill的809平方米自由地契土地
• 城市分區
• 同時劃分於Westlake Boys及Girls High Schools,以及Campbells Bay或Forrest Hill Primary Schools學區
• 鄰近高速公路入口、Milford購物中心及Sunnynook,地理位置便利
請在Barfoot & Thompson查看此房源。
192 Forrest Hill Road, Forrest Hill, North Shore City, Auckland Attn Developers & Land-bankers, 809m2 Land in ...• 809 sqm of freehold land in Forrest Hill
• Urban zoning
• Zoned for both Westlake Boys and Girls High Schools, plus Campbells Bay or Forrest Hill Primary Schools
• Conveniently close to motorway access, Milford Shopping Centre, and Sunnynook
Attention Developers and Investors:
This property offers easy access to sewage and stormwater systems, making it a prime opportunity for development. The solid weatherboard house is easy to rent and comes with subdivision potential, allowing for 3 to 4 freestanding units or even more as townhouses—depending on your vision.
Motivated vendor—don't miss out!
Call today to secure this opportunity!
Note: The big tree in the photos has since been removed.