

生活作者: 新浪体育综合










  英文的糖不好; 因此,所有的都是碳水化合物不好的。


  波士顿布里格姆妇女医院营养部主任凯西·麦克马纳斯女士建议:“ 并非所有的碳水化合物都是。一样的”,“ 有一些碳水的来源不健康,比如白面包,白米饭,白土豆以及含有添加糖的食物蛋糕,饼干,糖果和含糖饮料。这些食物会提高血糖,导致糖尿病和体重增加。“常言道:不要把孩子和洗澡水一起倒掉。正如麦克马努斯所指出的,正确种类的碳水化合物食物,如完整的粗粮,水果,蔬菜,状语从句:豆豆类其他科英文英文植物,都的英文健康饮食的基础。“(完整的全谷物包括原核的所有层:麸皮,胚芽和胚乳



  Because added sugar is “empty-calorie,” providing calories but no additional nutrients, focus clients on reducing added sugar, not on reducing sugar that occurs naturally, as in fruit or all carbohydrates。 Help clients navigate this terrain by thinking about the carbohydrate’s context: If it is added sugar or refined grain, limit intake。 If it’s in whole foods, dig in, though be mindful of portion control even with healthy foods。


  Misfire #2


  Vegetarian diets are healthy, so I should avoid all animal foods。

  素食者的超重和肥胖、糖尿病、心脏病和一些癌症的发病率低于那些典型的美国式饮者(Appleby & Key 2016。这听起来很有说服力,但这并不意味着动物食品肉类、家禽、鱼类、奶制品在健康饮食中没有一席之地。除了蛋白质,肉类还富含铁和锌等矿物质,而牛奶和其他奶制品则富含钙。

  Vegetarians have lower rates of overweight and obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers compared with those on a typical American diet (Appleby & Key 2016)。 That sounds pretty compelling, but it doesn’t necessarily mean animal foods (meat, poultry, fish, dairy products) have no place in a healthy diet。 In addition to protein, meats are sources of well-absorbed minerals, including iron and zinc, while milk and other dairy products are great sources of calcium。


  McManus says that avoiding all animal foods “can be overly restrictive and limit options, especially when eating with friends and family and away from home。” It can be difficult to find enough variety to eat well in restaurants and may be socially isolating。 She explains that “plant-based eating” means eating mostly foods from plants (legumes, healthy oils like olive oil, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables), but it allows for greater flexibility than a vegetarian diet and can include fish, eggs, dairy and some meats。 Plant-based eating “supports many of the same health benefits as vegetarianism, such as lower weight, less heart disease and less diabetes, but for many people is a less severe, more sustainable food pattern to support health。” Some call this pattern a “flexitarian” diet。


  Misfire #3


  Gluten is bad for some people; therefore, everyone should avoid gluten。

  谷蛋白是一种存在于小麦、大麦和黑麦中的蛋白质。麸质(谷蛋白)是一种蛋白质,这一事实让人们感到意外”,芝加哥营养顾问、曾在超市营养学领域广泛工作的Kim Kirchherr女士说。“谷蛋白的存在,使面包美、有嚼劲。

  Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye。 “The fact that gluten is a protein surprises people, since today’s food conversation is very positive about protein,” says Kim Kirchherr, MS, RDN, a nutrition consultant in Chicago who has worked extensively in supermarket nutrition。 “Gluten is the reason bread has that wonderful, chewy texture。”


  People with celiac disease react to gluten in a way that damages the lining of their small intestine, leading to digestive symptoms like bloating, diarrhea and malabsorption of nutrients。

  小麦过敏并不总是与谷蛋白有关。有些肠易激综合症患者对小麦中称为低聚糖的碳水化合物产生耐受。但是我们大多数人完全可以食用小麦和谷蛋白Denise Barratt女士说,她是北卡罗莱纳Asheville的营养顾问和博客作者,也是《Farm Fresh Nutrition》(vineripenutrition.com)的作者。Barratt说,无麸质产品铁、纤维和维生素B的含量更低。所以除非你出于健康原因需要避免谷蛋白的摄入,其他情况下,要慎重看待禁食谷蛋白的问题。

  Wheat sensitivities are not always related to gluten。 “Some people with irritable bowel syndrome are intolerant to the carbohydrate portions of wheat called oligosaccharides。 But the majority of us are totally okay to consume wheat and gluten,” says Denise Barratt, MS, RDN, a nutrition consultant and blogger in Asheville, North Carolina, and the author of Farm Fresh Nutritionvineripenutrition.com)。 Barratt says gluten-free products may have less iron, fiber and B vitamins, so reconsider switching unless you need to avoid gluten for health reasons。


  On the other hand, do we tend to overeat white bread, pizza, cakes, cookies and other less healthy sources of gluten? Yes, we certainly do。 Is it the gluten that makes these foods unhealthy? Not for most people! The message shouldn’t be to avoid gluten; it should be to choose more nutrient-dense breads made with whole-grain flours and, especially, more intact whole grains like barley and quinoa, which don’t raise blood sugar as much。


  Misfire #4


  Juicing is the best way to get your fruit and veggies。

  每天摄入一种果汁你的客户可能都尝试过绿色果汁、排毒果汁和姜黄汁。最近的研究表明,果汁是增加饮食中维生素、矿物质和植物营养素的有效途径Zheng 2017。在美国,大多数人摄入的水果和蔬菜都不够,这样可能会导致维生素A、维C、钾、纤维、植物营养素等营养物质的缺乏

  There’s a juice for every day of the week, and your clients have probably tried them all: green juice, detox juice, and juices infused with ginger and turmeric。 Recent research has shown that juices are an effective way to increase vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients in the diet (Zheng 2017)。 In the U.S。, most people don’t eat enough fruit or vegetables and may miss out on the nutrients they provide: vitamins A and C, potassium, fiber, phytonutrients, and more。


  But is drinking juice better than eating the fruits and vegetables they were squeezed from? No one is arguing that we should drink juice instead of eating whole produce。 Juicers usually remove fiber, but fiber is important for digestive health and cholesterol reduction, and it helps keep blood sugar under control。 “You may be tossing out some of the great things we eat fruits and veggies for in the first place,” says Kirchherr。


  Calories are another consideration。 “How many whole oranges are you using for that glass of orange juice? Five? Six? Would you ever sit down and eat that many whole oranges?” asks Kirchherr。 You are probably consuming a lot more calories from juice than you would if you were eating the whole fruit。 Barratt tells her clients, “It is much more economical and nutritious to eat whole fruits and vegetables in smoothies, salads, soups and stir-fries。”


  Misfire #5


  Nutrition Facts labels on foods tell me all I need to know about the foods。


  “Most of us want a super-simple way to manage the information about things we eat and drink,” says Kirchherr。 She recommends using 5% (low in a nutrient) and 20% (high in a nutrient) of the Daily Value as a quick guide。 (The Daily Value indicates how much of a nutrient a single serving of the food contributes to an average daily diet of 2,000 calories。) Trying to reduce sodium? Look for 5% or less of the Daily Value。 Trying to increase fiber? Go for 20% or more。


  However, Kirchherr cautions, “The Nutrition Facts label provides context in terms of calories and nutrition, but the ingredient list gives us more detail about the product。 Focusing on one or the other doesn’t give the full nutrition picture。” McManus explains that, for example, fiber is often added to white bread, which boosts the number of grams of fiber on the Nutrition Facts label but doesn’t make white bread as nutritious as whole-wheat bread。 Whole-wheat bread lists whole-wheat flour as the first ingredient and contains more vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, which don’t all appear on the Nutrition Facts label。 In addition, says McManus, “Research is limited on the health benefits of some of these added fibers, and they may not be equivalent to naturally occurring fiber in whole grains。”


  Also, as McManus reminds clients, “Many of the healthiest foods (fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, poultry, whole grains, nuts and seeds bought in bulk) do not have Nutrition Facts labels。”


  Key changes to nutritional labels。 By the way, Nutrition Facts labels are changing to be clearer about the number of calories per serving and to reflect current scientific knowledge about nutrients of concern for Americans。 There is an overview of the changes at fda.gov/downloads/food/labelingnutrition/ucm511646.pdf。


  Misfire #6


  Vitamins and minerals are essential for health, so I should take a lot of them。

  如果你摄入的铁不足,你就会贫血维生素C太少,就会得坏血病。维生素和矿物质对健康是至关重要的,但对于客户来说,维生素和矿物质越多并不总是越好,Kirchherr说,“对我们有益的事情也是如此。存储在脂肪中的多余的脂溶性维生素是很难排出的,如维生素A、D、E和K 另一方面维生素B和维生素C是水溶性的,不能吸收的部分将会被我们排泄出体外,所以摄入过量本质上意味着你钱冲入马桶。

  If you get less than enough iron, you become anemic; too little vitamin C, and you get scurvy。 Vitamins and minerals are critical for good health, but the message for clients, says Kirchherr, is “bigger isn’t always better。 This is true for things that are good for us, too。” We can’t easily get rid of excess vitamins stored in fat, such as fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K。 The B vitamins and vitamin C, on the other hand, are water-soluble, and we excrete what we can’t absorb, so taking an excess of those may mean you are essentially flushing the money you paid for them down the toilet。

  有些复合维生素和矿物质补充剂的营养含量几乎能达到每日营养摄入量的100%,虽然它们的风险较低,可以弥补饮食中缺失的营养成分Ward 2014,但我们很少研究大剂量维生素、矿物质和其他膳食补充剂的长期影响。在美国,还没有法律规定食品和药管理局需要在膳食补剂流入市场之前验证安全性或有效性NIH 2011。不要以为补剂很受欢迎很有效。许多人认为服用大剂量的维生素C可以预防感冒,但是科学证据并不支持这一观点。

  While a multivitamin and mineral supplement containing around 100% of the Daily Values may be low risk and could make up for nutrients missing in the diet (Ward 2014), we have little research on the long-term effects of large doses of vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements。 In the U.S。, laws do not require the Food and Drug Administration to verify safety or effectiveness before dietary supplements are marketed to consumers (NIH 2011)。 And don’t assume that because a supplement is popular, it is also effective。 Many people believe that taking large doses of vitamin C will prevent them from getting colds, but the scientific evidence doesn’t support that belief (PubMed Health 2017)。


  To avoid nutrition misfires, we need to help clients scratch the surface and see there is more to every nutrition topic than just a sound bite。 Kirchherr wisely reminds us, “Extremes, like ‘always’ and ‘never,’ don’t work in food and nutrition。” Perhaps that should be our first message to clients。



  1. 糖和碳水化合物。需要减摄入的是添加糖,而不是水果或所有碳水化合物中天然存在的糖分。限制添加糖和精制谷物的摄入量,多吃天然食品。

  Sugar and carbs。 Reduce added sugar, not the sugar occurring naturally in fruit or all carbohydrates。 Limit intake of added sugars and refined grains, but enjoy whole foods。

  1. 素食还是吃植物性饮食指的是多吃植物性食物豆类、橄榄油等健康油脂、坚果、种子、粗粮、水果和蔬菜,但它比素食具有更大的灵活性,可以包括鱼类、蛋类、乳制品和一些肉类。

  Vegetarian or meat? “Plant-based eating” means eating mostly foods from plants (legumes, healthy oils like olive oil, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables), but it allows for more flexibility than a vegetarian diet and can include fish, eggs, dairy and some meats。

  1. 谷蛋白,吃还是不吃?如果你有谷蛋白过敏症或其他疾病,不要摄入麸质。避免白面包、披萨、蛋糕、饼干和其他不太健康的谷蛋白,多吃富含营养的面包,这些面包是用粗粮面粉和完整的粗粮(如大麦和藜麦做成的。

  Gluten, yes or no? Don’t avoid gluten unless you have celiac disease or another medical condition。 Avoid white bread, pizza, cakes, cookies and other less healthy sources of gluten, but eat more nutrient-dense breads made with whole-grain flours and intact whole grains like barley and quinoa。

  1. 果汁还是完整的水果果汁提供营养,但它们会丢失纤维,增加热量摄入。吃完整的水果和蔬菜更经济,这样能提供所有的营养价值,包括纤维,以及更少的卡路里。

  Juice or whole fruit? Juices provide nutrition, but they eliminate fiber and increase calorie intake。 Eat whole fruits and vegetables instead, since it’s more economical and provides all the nutrient values, including fiber, with fewer calories。

  1. 营养成分这些只是食物的一部分还要去观察成分表。在标签上,5%的每日营养摄取量较低,20%的每日营养摄取量较高。记住,一些非常健康的食物,如水果、鱼和散装坚果,都是没有标签

  Nutrition Facts labels。 These are only part of the story; search the list of ingredients as well。 On the label, consider 5% of the Daily Value as low in nutrients and 20% as high。 Remember that some of the healthiest foods, like fruits, fish and bulk nuts, do not have labels。

  1. 维生素和矿物质。含有大约100%的每日营养摄取量的补充剂可能有益健康,而且摄取风险较低,但更多并不意味着更好。记住,多余的脂溶性维生素会留在体内,而水溶性营养物质会被排出

  Vitamins and minerals。 Supplements containing around 100% of Daily Values may be helpful and low risk, but more is not always better。 Keep in mind that excess fat-soluble vitamins are retained in the body, and water-soluble nutrients are flushed away。



  Appleby, P.N。, and Key, T.J。, 2016。 The long-term health of vegetarians and vegans。 Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 75, 287–93。

  NIH (National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements)。 2011。 Dietary supplements: Background information。 Accessed July 15, 2018: ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/DietarySupplements-HealthProfessional/。

  PubMed Health。 2017。 Common colds: Does vitamin C keep you healthy? Accessed July 15, 2018: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0072728/。

  Ward, E。 2014。 Addressing nutritional gaps with multivitamin and mineral supplements。 Nutrition Journal, 13, 72。

  Zheng,J.,et al.2017。水果和蔬菜汁对心血管疾病的作用和机制。 国际分子科学杂志, 18,555.doi:10.3390 / ijms18030555。

  作者Sanna Delmonico,MS,RDN,CHES


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