屈睿1997年移民新西兰,至今近20年。最初3年半在著名的新西兰奥塔哥大学取得计算机、信息科学双学历学士学位,2005年Ray取得新西兰房地产中介资质,在成为全职、专业的房地产经纪人之前,Ray 曾与您以及其他的华人移民一样,在异国他乡经历了求学、打工上班、创建自己的生意、娶妻生子建立家庭等的历程。他稳重、耐心的个性、发自内心的诚实、无欺行事态度以及与生俱来的亲和力,注定了他在房地产销售行业取得不菲的成绩。
屈睿先后工作在奥克兰最大的房地产公司Barfoot & Thompson,中区、东区、南区、北岸不同的办公室,这造就了他对整个奥克兰房地产市场的总体认识,和难能可贵的整体市场知识;随着农场销售的业绩积累,蜂蜜农场、牛油果园、薰衣草园、超大牧场、林场等等的业务增大,屈睿获得了公司为数不多的农场持牌经纪。无论您是买初次自住房、长期投资房、升值改造房、可分割土地、开发项目土地、经济农场、分割潜力农场或者自住的休闲农庄等,屈睿都会用其独到的见解、足够的市场经验、丰富的专业知识,帮您购得理想的物业,使您永远立于不败之地。屈睿告诫所有的朋友“我们每个人,都是房地产的投资人。今天的买家,明天一定是卖家;没有赔钱的房地产投资,只有购买错的房地产;买时决定输赢,卖时决定市场时机。”
近20年移民新西兰的阅历、奥克兰各个区的房地产销售工作经历、农场持牌、多年的房地产经验、诚信的口碑、优秀的服务态度,相信屈睿是您房地产最佳经纪人的首选。如您或您的亲朋,希望了解新西兰的房地产信息、在新西兰置业;有意出售房产,查询您房产的最新市场价格,请来电查询屈睿获取最新最专业的房屋评估。同时屈睿还提供报纸、电视、中英文网站多方位、多类型的广告套餐,为您量身定做适合您房产的房产销售方案。任何房产需求请联系屈睿(Ray Qu).
Ray Qu (屈 睿)
Barfoot & Thompson, Browns Bay office
电话:0211900881, DDI(直拨电话): +64 9 4794778, email电子邮箱:[email protected]
Honesty, Integrity, Dedication, Professionalism
Ray Qu started his real estate career in the early 2008’s and joined Barfoot & Thompson Pakuranga Office in February 2009. In the tough market and his first year in real estate Ray stood out – 22 properties sold (over $10 million dollars of real estate sales). This was a major achievement. Ray’s success continues. Success not driven by luck but through a structured focused work ethic and never give up attitude. Ray’s negotiating skills are second to none.
Ray came to New Zealand in 1997 and studied in University of Otago for his Bachelor of Science (double major) degree. Ray succeeded running his own business (Photo shop and copy centre) in Epsom and Remuera about 8 years. Ray’s experience in computer & camera where he specialized in photos, flyers, signage and catalogues enables him to put effective, marketing material together for his clients and internet.
Ray graduated in Shenyang University of Technology, which is one of the famous universities in China with his bachelor degree in Engineering. He had worked in China for a top industrial instrumentation factory (Technology & sales Department) for over ten years. This background developed him strong skills in marketing, public relationship, service for clients’ goals and agreement negotiation.
Ray loves his job is true and sincere in his approach and his focus on the goal are sure to impress. Whether buying or selling Ray will help. Always smiling. Nothing is too much trouble.
Ray’s business philosophy is “Honesty, Integrity, Dedication, Professional’ I will bring enthusiasm and a great attitude while caring for all your real estate needs.