A well-appointed 4 bedroom homestead that is set on a slightly elevated site with lovely garden and lawn area. Open plan kitchen/dining/lounge with 3 bedrooms in main living area. Modern bathroom and bath/shower/toilet and vanity along with heated floor. Laundry room in close proximity to the 4th bedroom and attached garage. A functionable patio decking area at front entrance of house creates further outdoor living. Living area of homestead is heated via a log burner and heat pump. Workshop/garaging shed in close proximity to house. There are two sets of satellite sheep handling yards located near the middle and back of the property. New set of cattle yards. Gentle to steeper rolling with arable flat tops broken by gullies and some steeper gorge areas. 6 units supplied by the Tokarahi Water Scheme that supplies two tank sites on property. Approximately 16 fenced paddocks. Good standard of sheep fencing with provision for an established hot wire on some paddock fences. Well maintained access track which extends into a dry weather loop track creating ease of stock movement around property.