欢迎对位于 Papatoetoe 的 Barfoot & Thompson 代理的房源感兴趣的潜在租户。点击“预约看房时间”链接,注册您的联系信息,以便在有空出的看房时间时,自动收到更新通知。
该物业拥有 2 间宽敞的卧室、1 间浴室、开放式生活空间、现代厨房,并设有全围栏。地址:[地址],靠近学校、购物中心、公共交通和快餐店等基本设施。
您可从路边自由查看物业,但除非有 Barfoot & Thompson 的代理陪同,否则在任何情况下都不要进入物业。到达看房地点时,请将车停在路边,不要停在车道上。
Barfoot & Thompson Papatoetoe 提供租金评估、临时出租和全面物业管理系统。请今天就联系安德鲁,商讨您的物业管理事宜。
小心诈骗!Barfoot & Thompson 不会在您查看物业之前要求支付任何费用,直到您由身穿身份证明的工作人员陪同观看,该工作人员将穿着带有公司标识的服装,并持有身份证明。如果您是成功申请人,我们将提供租赁协议,并清楚指示您需要支付哪些费用以及何时支付。如果您不确定,请给我们打电话或亲自到我们的分行咨询。
在 Barfoot & Thompson 查看此房源的详细信息。[房源信息链接]
2A Avis Avenue, Papatoetoe, Manukau City, Auckland A Perfect Blend of Comfort and Style*** To register for viewings please click on "book a viewing time" on the Barfoots website, enter your contact details and you will automatically be updated when viewing times are available ***
This property consists of 2 spacious bedrooms, fully insulated, 1 bathrooms inc, open plan living, modern kitchen, fully fenced.
Close to basic amenities like schools, shopping centre, public transport & takeaways
Move-in cost-
Rent - $640.00
Bond - $2560.00
Total move-in cost - $3200.00
No Pets, No Smoking inside the property.
Feel free to view the property from the roadside, however please do not enter the property under any circumstances unless you are with a Barfoot & Thompson agent. When arriving for viewing please park on roadside and do not park on driveway.
For more info please call/text:
Office - 09 278 3024
Andrew - 027 477 3669
Myria - 027 210 3924
For further listings, please refer to the link below
Barfoot and Thompson Papatoetoe offers Rental Appraisals, Casual Letting and Full Property Management Solutions. Please give Andrew a call today to discuss your Property Management.
Beware of scams! Barfoot and Thompson do not ask for any money to paid upfront for our properties until after you have viewed by a staff member who will be wearing I.D and travel in a sign-written vehicle and completed our application form. If you are the successful applicant, we will provide you with a tenancy agreement and clear instructions on what money you are required to pay and when. If unsure, please give us a call or pop into our branch and see us in person.