这处497平方米的永久产权物业坐落于Mt Albert购物区核心地段,静待慧眼识珠的投资者或自住者前来发掘。这里不仅是繁华与便利的交汇点,更是未来增值潜力的黄金地带。
周边配套一应俱全:步行即可抵达Mt Albert火车站,轻松畅达全城;繁华的零售街区近在咫尺,满足日常所需;而区域内超过4,000套新住宅的开发计划,更为这片土地注入了蓬勃的生机与活力。物业本身由两处商业租赁单元和一处三居室租赁住宅组成,年租金收入高达84,680新西兰元,为您带来稳定可观的收益。
978-980 New North Road, Mt Albert, Auckland City, Auckland COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL INVESTMENTDeadline sale: Closes on Wednesday 26 March 2025 at 3:00PM (unless sold prior)
Situated in the heart of the Mt Albert shopping precinct, this 497m² Freehold property presents an excellent opportunity for both investors and residential occupiers to take advantage of the strong growth surrounding the area.
Key amenities include the Mt Albert railway station, a thriving retail strip, and over 4,000 new dwellings currently under development. This high-profile property comprises two commercial tenancies and a three-bedroom residential tenancy above, generating a total rental income of $84,680 per annum.
The vendor is motivated to divest - please contact the listing agent for further details and viewing arrangements.