3016a Awhitu Road, Awhitu, Franklin, Auckland, 2房, 1浴, 整租独立别墅


3016a Awhitu Road, Awhitu, Franklin, Auckland

整租独立别墅上市时间 4月17日

Two Bedroom or Four Bedroom Options

这座几乎全新的房屋,位于距离Waiuku Township半小时车程、Matakawau Shop 5分钟的位置。物业设施包括:2间双人卧室、带独立卫生间的双人卧室、配备空调的宽敞开放式生活和用餐区、客厅直通私人露台区、现代化厨房、院内停车位。此外,可能还包括相邻的双车库及另外两间卧室(租金将相应增加)。请注意,此物业不适合养宠物。欢迎访问barfoot.co.nz预约看房。谨防诈骗!Barfoot and Thompson在看房前不会要求支付任何费用,看房时将有佩戴身份标识的员工乘坐带有公司标识的车辆陪同。之后,我们会提供完整的租赁协议,在收取费用前需签署。如有疑问,请前往我们的分行。

在看房过程中,Barfoot and Thompson不会向您收取任何费用。这座物业具有极高的吸引力,配套设施齐全,是您不容错过的理想居所。立即预约看房,开启您的舒适生活!请查看Barfoot & Thompson的房产列表,寻找您的梦想家园。

3016a Awhitu Road, Awhitu, Franklin, Auckland Two Bedroom or Four Bedroom Options 优越地段 2室雅致卧房 空调生活区 私人露台 现代厨房 便利停车 梦想家居 马上看房!

This home is near new. Located half an hours drive from Waiuku Township and 5 mins from the Matakawau Shop, this property offers:

- 2 double bedrooms,

- Bathroom with shower

- Open plan living and dining with heatpump

- Lving opens onto private decking area

- Modern kitchen

- Off-Street parking

- Option of using the available starlink internet for a fixed charge

- Power is charged at $30 per week flat rate

There is also the possibility of the adjoining double garage plus a further two bedrooms to be available with this property (for an increased rent rate)

This property is not suitable for pets.

Please go to barfoot.co.nz to arrange a viewing time.

Beware of scams! Barfoot and Thompson do not ask for money upfront until you have seen the property inside and out with a staff member who will be wearing I.D and travels in a sign-written vehicle.

They will then provide a full tenancy agreement to be signed prior to money collection. If unsure, please pop into our branch and see us in person.

See this listing on Barfoot & Thompson



房源编号:11014583最后更新:2024-04-29 04:16:52