Kia rite ki te noho rangatira i Flatbush, te takiwā rongonui rawa atu i te Tai Rāwhiti o Tāmaki Makaurau! Anei tō wāhi ki te riro i tēnei whare hou, whakamīharo hoki, he rua papa, e whitu ngā rūma moenga me ngā wharepaku e 5.5, kei runga i tētahi poraka iti te tiaki.
Ka pōwhiri tēnei whare papai rua-papa koe ki roto. Kei roto i ngā rūma e whitu, ngā wharepaku e 5.5, me ngā kīhini ture e rua, he mea whakarite ki ngā whānau e tipu ana, ki ngā whānau maha-whakatipuranga rānei, tae atu ki ngā kaituku moni, he nui hoki te wāhi ki te whakarite i te wāhi kia rite ki ō hiahia.
He hoahoa hoa-whānau te whare nei, he rūma noho manaaki e arahi atu ana ki tētahi kīhini mahere tuwhera, he wāhi kai, he wāhi noho e rere atu ana ki te marae o muri whai rā, kua oti te taiapa, he paparanga nui hoki kei reira ka taea e koe te pārekareka ki ngā huihuinga ā-whānau i muri i te mahi.
Ka kapi te papa whenua i tētahi nohonga toronga rua-rūma e tohatoha ana i tētahi wharepaku, he rūma noho me te urunga motuhake, he nui te pūmanawa mō te reti, mō ngā whānau toronga rānei.
He tino takiwā, mā te taraiwa ngāwari koe e kawe ki te Ormiston Town Centre hou, ki te Pāka o Barry Curtis, ki Botany Junction, kāore hoki e ngaro i te nui o ngā rawa ā-rohe me ngā waka tūmatanui.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i runga i Barfoot & Thompson.
26 Barley Road, Flat Bush, Manukau City, Auckland CCC issued, VENDOR URGENCY PROMPTS IMMEDIATE SALEGet Ready to Live the High Life in Flatbush the hottest suburb in East Auckland ! Here is your chance to secure
this stunning brand-new modern double-story, 7 bedrooms with 5.5 bathrooms family home, on a lowmaintenance
This 2-storey luxury home welcomes you inside. Comprising 7-bedrooms, 5.5 bathrooms, and 2 legal
kitchens, it will appeal to growing/multi-generational families to investors alike with ample scope to
personalize the space as you desire.
The family-friendly layout has a formal lounge leading to a spacious open-plan kitchen, dining and living
area flowing to the sunny private fully fenced backyard ,a big deck where you can occasionally enjoy family
gathering after work.
Rounding off the ground floor is a 2-bedroom extended living which share a bathroom, lounge and private
access, huge potential for rental or for extended families.
A brilliant neighborhood, an easy drive will bring you to the brand-new Ormiston Town Centre, Barry Curtis
Park, Botany Junction, without lacking in abundance of local amenities and public transport.