Tender: Ka kati ā te Wenerei 27 o Whiringa-ā-rangi 2024 i te 2:00PM (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
E moe ana ngā tamariki tokorua ki tētahi rūma? Kāore he wāhi mō ngā hoa, mō ngā whanaunga rānei kia moe? Ka rongoā tēnei whare hou, whare whānau whitu rūma moenga, i ēnei take katoa.
Kua hangaia tēnei whare i runga i ngā taumata e rua, e tuku ana i ngā kōwhiringa noho maha ki runga, ki raro hoki mō ngā āhuatanga noho whānau maha. Ehara tēnei i te whare noa iho, ka rongo koe i te āhua o te 'kainga' i te wā tonu e hīkoi atu ai koe ki roto.
Kei te whare nei e 7 ngā rūma moenga rua ataahua me ngā wharepaku e 5.5, tae atu ki ngā rūma moenga matua e 3 me ngā wharepaku kei runga, me ngā rūma moenga e 2 me tētahi wharepaku kei raro.
Kei te papa whenua e 2 ngā rūma moenga me tētahi nohonga me ngā tomokanga wehe, me tētahi kīhini hoahoa ataahua, he wāhi noho tino pai mā ngā kaumātua, mā te whānau whānui rānei.
Hei whakakī i tēnei whare mīharo, he whare tārua uru atu ā-roto me te nui o ngā wāhi tūwaka i waho.
He kāinga tino pai tēnei mā te whānau e tipu ana me ngā kaumātua hei whakaaro mā rātou, kei tētahi wāhi pai, e tata ana ki ngā kura, ki ngā toa hokomaha, ki ngā pokapū hokohoko hoki. Mēnā kei te rapu koe i tētahi nekehanga ake ki tētahi mea nui ake, koinei tō kōwhiringa tino tika.
Kaua e ngaro i tēnei whai wāhitanga nui o te oranga. Kua ū ngā kaihoko ki te hoko.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi kei Barfoot & Thompson
130 McQuoids Road, Flat Bush, Manukau City, Auckland CCC issued, Start Your New Year with a Bang!Kids sleeping two to a room? No space for friends or relatives to sleep over? This modern, brand new, 7 bedroom family home will remedy all that.
Constructed over two levels, giving you plenty of living options up and down for numerous living arrangements and family situations. This isn't just a house though, you are about to feel that sensation that you have finally found "home" from the moment you step inside.
This home offers you 7 gorgeous double bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms which includes 3 bedrooms master en-suites upstairs and 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom downstairs.
The ground floor contains 2 bedrooms one living with separate entrances and a gorgeous designer kitchen which is an ideal living space for grandparents or extended family.
Completing this stunning property, there is double internal access garaging and plenty of off-street parking.
It is the perfect home for the growing family with elderly relatives to consider in a premium location close to schools, supermarkets, and malls. If you're looking for the next move up to something substantially bigger then this is your perfect choice.
Do not miss this great opportunity of a lifetime. Our vendors are committed to selling.