Hoko: 34 Shortland Street, Taone ā te Tāite 21 o Whiringa-ā-rangi 2024 i te 10:00AM (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
Kua hurihia tēnei wāhi i roto i tētahi o ngā kaupapa whakahou nui rawa atu o ēnei rā, ā, ināianei kei te whakaatu a Imperial Gardens i tētahi āhua hou, hāneanea hoki—i tētahi utu tino pai!
Pārekareka ki te whakamarie me te watea. He hoahoa tuwhera tēnei waeine, e whakaatu ana i tētahi kīhini hou, huatau hoki me ngā wharepaku ataahua. Kei te tuku hoki te whare i te urunga ki ngā rawa motuhake tae atu ki te whare whakapakari tinana tūmataiti, te puna kaukau o waho, me te māra nui, e hanga ana i te taiao tino pai mō te whakatā me te ngahau. Kei te taha tonu o Skycity me te hīkoi poto ki te pokapū o te taone nui me ngā whare wānanga rongonui, he tino pai mā ngā kaihoko tuatahi, ngā tohunga ngaio rangatahi, tae atu ki ngā kaituku moni mātau,
Nā te nui o te hiahia mō ēnei whare noho rapu nui, kua tae ki te wā kia tere te mahi. Kaua e ngaro i te wāhi ki te whai i tētahi o ēnei waeine ataahua hei tāu ake, ā, wheako i te noho taone pai rawa atu ki te Whare Noho o 135 Hobson Street!
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i runga i Barfoot & Thompson
909/135 Hobson Street, City Centre, Auckland City, Auckland Best Deal in the Building!Freshly transformed through one of the largest refurbishment projects to date, Imperial Gardens now offers a stunning, contemporary feel—at an exceptional price point!
Enjoy seamless comfort and convenience. This unit boasts an open-plan design featuring a sleek, modern kitchen and stylish bathrooms. The complex also offers access to exclusive amenities including a private gym, outdoor pool, and spacious backyard, creating the perfect environment for relaxation and leisure.It's situated right next to Skycity and within walking distance of the vibrant city centre and prestigious universities,ideal for first-time buyers, young professionals, or savvy investors,
Given the high demand for these sought-after apartments, now is the time to act quickly. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make one of the beautiful unit your own and experience the ultimate in urban living at 135 Hobson Street Apartment!