Hokona Kati: Ka kati ā te Wenerei te 18 o Tīhema 2024 i te 3:00PM (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
Kua whakahoutia te Imperial Gardens me ngā whakapainga whānui, e whakaatu ana i ngā mahi kounga teitei.
He ataahua tēnei whare noho paparanga rua e rua ngā rūma moe, e rua ngā rūma kaukau (tae atu ki tētahi ensuite), he kīhini mahere tuwhera, he wāhi noho nui me tētahi rūnanga rokiroki whānui kei te papa kotahi. Ko tōna tūnga ki te raki me ngā matapihi rua-karaehe e tuku ana i ngā tirohanga whakamīharo o te Sky Tower me te moana mai i te rūma noho me tētahi o ngā rūma moe.
Me te rahinga papa tata ki te 53m2, he huatau tēnei whare noho, ā, he pai hoki mō te pūtea. He teitei ake hoki ngā tūāpapa o te paparanga nei i ētahi atu papa, hei tāpiri atu ki tōna ātaahua.
Kua rite te waeine nei ki te neke atu me te peita hou, ngā whāriki hou, ngā ārai matapihi, te pae tunu me te oumu. Ko tōna wāhi tata ki te Sky Tower, te pokapū huihuinga ā-ao e hangaia ana, te teihana hou o te City Rail Link i Wellesley, ngā toa o Queen Street, me ngā whare wānanga e tata ana e whakarite ana i te watea kore e taea te whakataetae.
He tino pai tēnei rawa mō te mahi me te ako i te tāone, tērā rānei e rapu ana i te haumi uara roa.
Kua reti te kaihoko, ā, e hiahia ana ki te hoko.
Kaua e ngaro - waea ināianei ki te rēhita mō tētahi toronga!
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i Barfoot & Thompson
1217/135 Hobson Street, City Centre, Auckland City, Auckland Urgent Sale! Sky Tower & SeaviewsImperial Gardens has recently been upgraded with extensive renovations, showcasing high-quality work.
This beautiful two-bedroom penthouse apartment features two bathrooms (including an ensuite), an open-plan kitchen, a large living area and a spacious storage locker on the same floor. Its north-facing position with double-glazed windows offers stunning views of the Sky Tower and the sea from the lounge and one of the bedrooms.
With a floor area of about 53m2 (approx), this apartment is stylish and budget-friendly. The penthouse also has higher ceilings than other levels, adding to its appeal.
The unit is move-in ready with fresh paint, new carpet, blinds, hob, and an oven. Its location near the Sky Tower, the under-construction international convention centre, the upcoming City Rail Link Wellesley Station, Queen Street shops, and nearby universities ensures unbeatable convenience.
This property is perfect for work and study in the city or looking for a long-term value investor.
The vendor is retired and motivated to sell.
Don’t miss out - call now to book a visit!