后花园推荐中介之 奥克兰东区/南区 - Lara Thompson

요약Lara已经在房地产行业拥有超过10年的从业经验,她名下还拥有自己的论坛名叫Property Valuation & Management以及梅西大学拿到的金融GDipBS学位。
Lara已经在房地产行业拥有超过10年的从业经验,她名下还拥有自己的论坛名叫Property Valuation & Management以及梅西大学拿到的金融GDipBS学位。
Lara是Belle Realty的所有者及持牌中介。她将在来年继续致力于一些新楼盘开发项目的推广和销售工作。她在房地产领域的知识、经验以及能力,使Lara能够为自己的客户提供最为至诚至上的贴心服务。
Lara has had over 10 years experience in the property industry and has a BBS is Property Valuation & Management and a GDipBS in Finance both from Massey University.
Prior to becoming a real estate salesperson in 2009, her previous roles were in commercial property valuation, property development and as an acquisitions manager to some of New Zealand’s largest investment companies. Throughout this period Lara has assisted investors in acquiring over $150m of residential property.
Lara has worked as a consultant to many property developers, assisting with bringing new projects to the market and has seen property development not just from a marketing, sales and acquisitions perspective but also from a projects inception, acquiring land for development and assessing development feasibility.
Having her own investments and having completed her own developments, Lara has hands on experience in these areas.
Lara has been a salesperson for the last 5 years specialising in the sales of residential projects and developments so it was only natural for her to start her own real estate company.
Lara is the owner and licensee agent of Belle Realty and will continue to specialise in project sales with several new projects coming to the market in 2015. Her depth of knowledge, experience and skills underpins the exceptional service Lara provides to her clients.
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