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Our sellers have taken the decision to be closer to family in our capital city after almost fifteen years in this substantial family home. This opens up an opportunity for a family to secure a big house in an enviable position, totally private and secluded, and in the beating heart of arguably our most sought after suburb. Right at the very end of a long wide driveway lined on either side with other prestigious Fendalton homes, sits this classically European style residence with a pretty stream boundary. Constructed in rendered concrete block, the quality of this build is immediately apparent from first glance by the splendid Oregan timber eaves, copper spouting and the magnificent pair of timber front doors. Enter through these doors into a majestic atrium with a broad staircase winding overhead to explore a home of grand proportions.
A new owner may wish to update the interior, however for the time being all is comfortable, even luxurious. Exemplary layout requires no change with two huge living rooms as well as a dining or library office space. The view from the kitchen bench will be sure to include ducklings in Spring and Summer. A door from here opens to a sheltered sunny spot for breakfast or tending vegetables and herbs in the kitchen garden. Decking and steps lead down to the stream. Upstairs, an enormous gallery forms even more living space and there is a leafy outlook from every window.
A lovely garden is established on this 952sqm site. North facing patios, one Wisteria covered, extend from wide opening doors forming private and sheltered outdoor living. Ample parking space with room for trailer, boat, caravan and extra cars and there is an E charger in the double garage, with the bonus of solar panels on the roof keep electricity more affordable. Our serious sellers are committed to their relocation plans so this is to be sold. Come and see if you could be the new owner!