
后花园新西兰房地产在线12月18日 2014年初,出租房屋最低标准测试(WOF)将在新西兰5座城市展开,这是各城市议会及意外伤害赔偿局(ACC)为了应对那些阴冷潮湿的老住宅而推出的测试,该测试包括31条评估标准。
奥克兰市长Len Brown表示,众所周知新西兰的老住宅环境比较阴冷潮湿,其建筑标准比许多其他经贸组织成员国要低。
市长Len Brown表示将连同政府、非盈利组织、私人机构一起努力应对奥克兰房屋的各种问题,用合作的方式去改善房屋的质量。
奥克兰市议会表示,测试是非常重要的,也为今后的标准的统一化跨出了重要的一步。参与这次房屋最低标准测试的包括这5座城市的市议会、意外伤害赔偿局(ACC)、新西兰绿色建筑委员会(New Zealand Green Building Council)、奥塔哥大学、及惠灵顿大学。
ACC家庭安全项目经理Megan Nagel表示减少在住宅内的意外是ACC关注的重点问题之一,所以他们非常支持这个项目。
新西兰绿色建筑委员会Leigh Featherstone也表示,这项测试将确保家庭的居住环境不会危及到健康,特别是对老人和儿童。
但是,新西兰房地产投资者联盟 (NZ Property Investors' Federation)的执行官Andrew King却认为,出租房最低标准测试系统将使得房屋管理成本提高,也意味着租金有可能会上涨,因而导致租客密度有可能增加,会有更多的租客选择住在一起。
1. Is there a functional, safe stove-top and oven? (Yes/no)
2. Is there adequate space for food preparation and storage? (Yes/no)
3. Is there an adequate supply of hot and cold potable water? (Yes/no)
4. Is the hot-water at the tap 55°C (±5°C?) (Yes/no)
5. Is there a functional toilet, which does not have a cracked or broken seat, cistern or bowl? (Yes/no)
6. Is there a suitably located bath or shower in good working order? (Yes/no)
7. Are there secure or high level cupboards or shelves for storing hazardous or toxic substances out of children's reach? (Yes/no)
8. Is there a fixed form of safe and effective space heating? (Yes/no)
9. Do the bathroom, kitchen and all bedrooms have some form of ventilation to outside? (Yes/no)
10. Is the house reasonably free of visible mould, i.e. the total area of mould is less than an A4 sheet of paper? (Yes/no)
11. Are the power outlets and light switches safe and in good working order? (Yes/no)
12. Is there adequate indoor lighting? (Yes/no)
13. Does the house have adequate working smoke alarms? (Yes/no)
14. Have the windows got effective latches? (Yes/no)
15. Have high windows got security stays? (Yes/no)
16. Are there curtains or blinds in the bedrooms and living area? (Yes/no)
17. Do glass doors have safety visibility strips? (Yes/no)
18. Does the house have thermoplastic insulated cabling? (Yes/no)
19. Does the house have ceiling insulation to WOF standards? (Yes/no)
20. Does the house have underfloor insulation to WOF standards? (Yes/no)
21. Is the house weathertight with no evident leaks, or moisture stains on the walls or ceiling? (Yes/no)
22. Is a ground vapour barrier installed under the ground floor? (Yes/no)
23. Is the house in a reasonable state of repair? (Yes/no)
24. Is the storm and waste water drainage being adequately discharged? (Yes/no)
25. Is there any water ponding under the house? (Yes/no)
26. Is there adequate outdoor lighting near entrance ways? (Yes/no)
27. Does the house appear to be structurally sound? (Yes/no)
28. Are there handrails for all internal stairs and all outdoor steps that access the house, and do balconies/decks have balustrades to the current Building Code? (Yes/no)
29. Is there fire egress to the current Building Code? (Yes/no)
30. Is the address clearly labelled and identifiable? (Yes/no)
31. Are there securely locking doors? (Yes/no)