Peter van den Berg

Peter van den Berg

021 27 ...


I’m a local agent with drive, commitment and honesty and being a perfectionist at heart, I’ll always strive to do the best for my clients, be you a Seller, Buyer or investor.
I believe in and enjoy helping people reach the best outcome. Real Estate Sales offers me the chance to work with people and help Sellers achieve the best price in the market.
By listening to the seller’s needs and requirements, turning this into a process that not only achieves the best price but also satisfies client needs, including frequent communication updates to you the client.

Unlike many others, LJ Hooker has auctions on site to increase buyer emotional attachment and competition between buyers resulting in a better sales price. We utilise Vendor bidding in an open and controlled manner to help where an auction has stalled.

I am also able to help Buyers focus on their requirements, search for and arranging viewing of suitable properties and achieve the purchase of their ideal property.
I’m proud to be a member of the LJ Hooker Brand and working with a great group of friendly and highly experienced people at Mt. Roskill, part of the go-ahead Austar Realty Group which has 8 offices throughout West and Central Auckland. This offers support of a very large team and access to team member’s databases (for both buyers and sellers), professional development second to none, and local market insight through property sales, research tools and the knowledge/experience of Team members.
My dedication, high focus and customer care make the process of buying or selling a home as stress free as possible. Appraisals are provided obligation free and with no cost to you.

Call me today - Talk to me about ways I can save you money
Read more at http://mtroskill.ljhooker.co.nz/about-us/our-team/peter-van-den-berg#cFbtYkY6HChv53fk.99