LJ Hooker Warkworth
Matthieu Lennan

Matthieu Lennan

Salesperson英语LJ Hooker Warkworth
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What a place we live in. To be honest I couldn’t imagine myself living anywhere else but here. 24 years (my whole life) in this region, watching as changes in front of our eyes.
I have recently joined the LJ hooker group and I have the utmost respect for this company, I am extremely proud to be a part of the family and looking forward to growing with this brand. 740 offices in 11 countries gives LJ Hooker a huge amount of exposure.

I believe being a young salesperson in this area gives me both advantages and disadvantages in this market. My biggest advantage would be that I have my mother Marie-Dominique Lennan, who has been in the industry over 10 years.  So I shall not be lead astray that’s for sure!
I am building a reputation instead of relying on one and I believe I can’t go wrong with the experienced team I have looking over my shoulder.

Why should you choose me to market your home?
•    You will find that I focus on my client and listen to their needs
•    You will find that I am a honest, trustworthy and responsible person who gets along with
•    You will find that I am always keen on a challenge and I very rarely give up.

I am:
•    Excited to list every property and shall use all the skill I have to market the property
•    Motivated by results in matching properties to buyers
•    Determined to do my best so repeat business flows like a river of success!