Available now, this large format space in Christchurch CBD will suit a large format retailer or can be split up to suit smaller retail options. Over 2300sqm of retail space, and a great mezzanine, a multitude of businesses could utalise this space to house their business. As part of The Colombo Mall you will be partnered with a number of iconic brands, family-friendly space and an independent theatre. Main Features Include: 3,268sqm approx 2,368sqm Ground Retail Multiple Frontages 900sqm Mezzanine Ability to split space to suit (250sqm, 500sqm, more) Shared carparking Elevator access to the Mezzanine Flexible Terms to suit. For more information please call the listing agent below: Marco Mannah 021 044 1880 [email protected] Corbin Maunsell 021 170 5428 [email protected]