Nestled in the heart of Rangiora, this charming character home at 362a High Street offers 4 spacious bedrooms, with the main bathroom and separate toilet conveniently located downstairs. Constructed in 1915, the residence boasts wooden walls and an iron roof, both in average condition, and is set on a level contour. The property is under a Cross-Lease ownership, with a modern open-plan kitchen, a large living/dining area with French doors leading to the courtyard, and a 6kw heat pump for comfort. Additionally, there are 2 car parks and a single garage with a carport. The property's Capital Value (CV) has seen a substantial increase of 55% from $400,000 in August 2019 to $620,000 as of July 2022, with a HouGarden AVM of $592,500. Notably, the latest sale was recorded at $430,000 on February 13, 2024. For families, the property falls within the decile 9 Rangiora High School and decile 7 Rangiora Borough School zones, among others, ensuring quality education for all ages.
Updated on April 10, 2024