位于奥克兰Waimauku的20b Taylor Road,占地8006平方米的独立产权地块,为您提供了一个宁静的生活方式选择。这处朝北的物业,外墙和屋顶构造未知,犹如一块等待您挥洒创意的画布。截至2021年6月的政府估价为$840,000,预示着其增值潜力。地块地势起伏适中,配备了预制的混凝土车道和精心规划的植被。教育资源方面,该物业位于Kaipara College(评分7)、Waimauku School(评分10)和St Paul's School (Massey)(评分4)的学区范围内。后花园估价为$825,000,考虑到该区域历来备受关注,这块宁静的生活区地块无疑是一个难得的机会。在这条无尾静街中,拥抱户外生活的同时享受便利,完美的生活正等您来开启。
Nestled in the tranquility of Waimauku, Auckland, 20b Taylor Road presents a lifestyle opportunity on an 8006m2 freehold section. This north-facing property, with unknown外墙 and屋顶 construction, is a blank canvas for your dreams. The capital value as of June 2021 stands at $840,000, reflecting a promising growth potential. The section, with easy/moderate rise contour, is complemented by a pre-formed concrete driveway and a thoughtfully planned planting regime. In terms of education, the property falls within the zones of Kaipara College (Decile 7), Waimauku School (Decile 10), and St Paul's School (Massey) (Decile 4). The HouGarden AVM estimates the property's worth at $825,000, and with a history of strong interest in the area, this serene lifestyle section is a golden opportunity. Embrace the outdoors and convenience in this serene cul-de-sac, where your perfect life awaits.
ข้อมูลอัปเดตเมื่อ: 2025 ปี 02 เดือน 26 วัน
CV รัฐบาล(2021 ปี 06 เดือน)$840,000
วิวFocal Point Of view - Other
ความลาดชันEasy/Moderate rise
คำอธิบายทางกฎหมายLOT 2 DP 586273
สภาเมืองAuckland - Rodney
คำอธิบายกรรมสิทธิ์FSIM,1/1,LOT 2 DEPOSITED PLAN 586273,8006m2