想知道最新的税务政策能如何助你度过难关吗?PWC与你共同探讨危机后的经济走势、行业兴衰! 后花园公开课直播



Latest tax changes to further support the business and overall macroeconomic trends and impact on key sectors in NZ

Mike Morgan, PwC Tax Partner 

  • $3b Business tax changes 30亿税务应变
  • Other changes to support business 其他纾困措施
  • Wage subsidy investigations and audit 对工资补助的调查和审计
  • Who will be paying for the huge government spending 谁来为如此巨大的政府开支买单?

Wicki Huang, PwC Deals Partner 

  • Overall macroeconomic trends and factors  宏观经济趋势和因素  
  • Looking at China to see where we are at now 从中国的经济复苏看我们目前的状况
  • Specific sector discussion - real estate, construction, tourism and education 具体行业讨论----房地产、建筑业、旅游、教育
Mike Morgan
Mike Morgan
PwC Tax Partner; Mike是普华永道的高级税务合伙人,拥有超过25年的经验。为众多客户提供咨询,包括众多新西兰各行各业的最大公司、私募基金和外国投资人。Mike 经常为中国企业投资新西兰提供咨询服务。 Mike is a senior tax partner at PwC and has over 25 years experience advising a wide variety of clients, including many of NZ’s largest companies, private equity firms, and non-resident investors. Mike regularly advises Chinese companies when they are looking at investing into NZ.
Wicki Huang
Wicki Huang
PwC Deals Partner; Wicki是新西兰普华永道并购交易部合伙人。曾在普华永道中国工作,拥有超过14年的专业服务经验。Wicki专注于为私募基金及战略投资者在本地以及跨境投资、并购以及IPO上市筹资等项目提供交易咨询服务,并参与了多个在新西兰市场具有重大影响的交易。 Wicki is an experienced transaction services professional of PwC New Zealand. Before moved to NZ, she used to work in PwC China and has over 14 years of experience. Wicki is passionate about solving problems for her clients, including both PEs and corporate investors, in the domestic and cross-border deals environments, where she specialises in helping them to build and grow their businesses through mergers, acquisitions and IPOs.