11A Lydia Avenue, Northcote, North Shore City, Auckland, 2房, 1浴, 整租独立别墅


11A Lydia Avenue, Northcote, North Shore City, Auckland

整租独立别墅上市时间 5月24日
Near universityAgent pubMale or female

Cozy and convenient property located in the he...


1. 两间带内置衣橱的双人卧室。

2. 宽敞的开放式生活区域。

3. 设有独立车道的浴室和独立车棚。

4. 属于Northcote Intermediate和Northcote College学区。

5. 距离奥克兰南北高速公路仅一步之遥,短途车程即可到达Northcote购物中心,公共交通便利,方便通勤。


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11A Lydia Avenue, Northcote, North Shore City, Auckland Cozy and convenient property located in the he... 宜居美宅 两室内置衣橱 开放式宽敞空间 独立卫浴车棚 学区房 交通便捷 近购物心区

We welcome you to view this beautiful 2 bedroom home situated close to Motorway, school, local shopping centre.

The wonderful features of the property you should tick off your list:

1. Two double bedrooms with built-in wardrobes.

2. Large open plan living area.

3. bathroom plus carport with own separate driveway.

4. In-zone for Northcote intermediate and Northcote College.

5.Close to Motorway to North or South of Auckland. A short drive to the Northcote shopping Centre with public transport for an easy commute.

Move in Costs:

2 Weeks Rent

4 Weeks Bond

VIEWING: Interested in viewing this property? Please register your details via the Barfoot & Thompson website and click on BOOK A VIEWING.

Beware of Scams: Barfoot and Thompson does not ask for money in emails without running a full application processes, checks and tenancy agreements being drawn up. Payment can be made at a branch or to our BNZ account supplied inside the Tenancy Agreement. If you are unsure if a request is legitimate, please telephone the branch landline and check with the Property

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房源编号:11015430最后更新:2024-06-16 04:05:27