ਸਾਂਝਾ ਕਰੋ

后花园推荐中介之 奥克兰西区 New Lynn - Alex Wu

后花园推荐中介之 奥克兰西区 New Lynn - Alex Wu
ਸਾਰ在成为一名优秀的房产经纪之前,Alex 曾与许多其他的华人移民一样在异国他乡开辟一片新生活,上班,打工,建立家庭,创建自己的生意。他鲜艳健谈的个性和与生俱来的亲和力注定他走向销售的行业。与不少人瞅准房市热 ...



Barfoot & Thompson 分行第一 (上半年度,半年度)

Barfoot & Thompson 全国房产销售前强 (





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Thompson 总部邀请在全体员工的年度大会上成为演讲嘉宾与同仁分享自己的成长历程,经验与成功。当时他的经理是这样形容
的 (译成中文)他总是对房地产保持着热情和兴奋的状态,但非常谦虚。当别人在谈论着需要做些什么去成功,他早已经在那里做了。与这位年轻人花时间你会从他身上意识到他无尽的能量。他永远都是在思考能够为他的客户们做些什么。他的个性和微笑是非常有感染力的,难怪他获得了如此多的客户




"We want to say once again thank you Alex
Wu, your team that works in the background and Barfoot & Thompson New Lynn.
You have sold several properties of ours. Each time passing what we expected
our properties to sell for and on the shortest of time. I also want to
acknowledge your professionalism, knowledge of the market place, your honesty
and integrity. But the best is your skill of communication, keeping us both in
the loop. Be it bad or good news. You allow us to feel important by answering
our calls when we need to talk to you, or ringing us on the latest updates.
Both Maureen and I will recommend you and your team to all our networks. Feel
free to call us to give your new clients our experiences with you and your

Maureen & Howard

"We chose Alex to sell our house because of his great sales record, and we
were not disappointed. He was great to work with, courteous and professional,
and he always responded quickly to any questions we had. His experience and
market knowledge really showed, and he achieved a fantastic result for us, with
our house selling after only two weeks on the market, for far above what we

Katrina Ford and Lawrence Maxwell

"Alex is easily the most proactive and gracious estate agent I've ever
met. He bent over backwards to secure the house we wanted and was even on hand
to provide support to me and my family when we arrived in New Zealand. A lovely
chap! Full Marks!" 

Chris Moseley

“I did not know what to expect when dealing with Barfoot and Thompson as we had
only bought and sold one each over the 11 years. Alex was a recommendation from
a friend and has blown us away. He is a top achiever for his branch and is not
pushing or negative. The best thing about Alex he will listen to you and has a
very good client base and that not the case with some other Barfoot Agent in my

I have recommended Alex and will continue to recommend him to all my friends
and clients and tell them to expect nothing but the best service and price for
what they want. I have sold a total of 4 properties estimated at 1.8 Mill and
very happy with the results. My trust in Alex paid off. He even took me and my
family out for a meal to celebrate and that was a very kind gesture, he
couldn’t have” . 

Tyrel D'souza

“Alex is a very hard working person and always gives immediate and helpful
advice. I highly trust his ability and professionalism in real estate industry
and would definitely recommend Alex to all my other friend seeking or selling
properties. He is not just an agent to our family now, and also a good friend”. 

Sherry Ma

“I had absolutely no hesitation when purchasing my property with Alex. His
experience and networking had been a great help to me. During and after
purchase my house, Alex has been helping me finding house information,
introduced solicitor, builder, valuator and building inspector. I appreciate
very much from all of your help for my first home”. 

James Zhang


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