E pūtake ana i ngā tau 40 o te hītori whānau, e whakatakoto ana tēnei whare nui e toru ngā papa i te wāhi nui me te māmā o te whakamahi, e tino pai ana mō ngā whānau maha-whakatupuranga.
Kua rongoa ngā āhuatanga o tōna orokohanga i te tau 1976 i roto i te hoahoa toru-papa, kua whakapai ake ināianei mā ngā whakahoutanga nui tae atu ki ngā mahi a John Chaplin i te tau 2009 me te āhua o roto a Town & Country, e hanga ana i tētahi kāinga e whakahōnore ana i tōna mua, ā, e awhi ana i tōna anamata.
He mārama te kitea o tēnei i te papa whenua, kei reira te puna kaukau ā-roto ka whakamahana i te rā, me te spa e whakarite ana i te atamira mō te koa puta noa i te tau. He wharepaku motuhake me tētahi wāhi noho e whakarei ana i te āhua o te mawhiti, e tuku ana i te ngāwari ki te mahi hei wāhi mā te manuhiri.
E piki ki te papa waenganui, kei reira te kīhini, te wāhi kai me te rūma noho e tāpirihia ana e te pae tauira o ngā tau 70, e tuku ana i tētahi mihi pūmahara engari māhorahora ki te rohe noho hou. Ka toro atu tēnei wāhi ki te ao mārama o waho, kei reira ngā tirohanga whānui o ngā Maunga, te tāone, te ākau me te moana e tuku ana i tētahi āhua mauri tau e kare ā-roto ana.
E toru ngā rūma moenga me ngā wharepaku e rua kei tēnei papa, i te papa runga, ko te rūma matua e tohu ana i te wāhi whakatā, e whakaatu ana i tētahi wharepaku ā-kiko, he paparanga motuhake me ngā tirohanga korekore o te whenua tūturu.
Kua whatu te mahi ā-ringa ki ia kokonga mā roto i te rokiroki whānui, he horoi wehe me te huinga whānui o ngā otinga whakamahana. Ko ētahi atu whakapainga i ngā tau, tae atu ki te whakatuwheratanga anō me te whakapai ake i te papa, kua whakaritea te kāinga ki ngā paerewa hou, me te tiaki tonu i tōna āhua taketake.
He painga motuhake mō te taha pari, ko te papa whenua papatahi me te māra nui i te pae tata ki te 783sqm e hono ana ki te urunga ngāwari mā te taraiwa ki te whare tārua e toru-waka.
Kei te taha o te rāhui me te hononga ngāwari ki te Kura Tuatahi o Mt Pleasant me ngā mahi tākaro o waho, e tū ana tēnei kāinga hei wāhi tapu, e tatari ana kia hurihia tōna pene matawhāiti e whai ake nei.
Te hokohoko Rāpare 10 o Whiringa-ā-nuku mai i te 11 i te ata, Taumata 2, 76 Hereford Street (Ki te kore e kawea whakamua).
227 Cannon Hill Crescent, Mount Pleasant, Christchurch, Canterbury Endless Space, Endless ViewsFor property info: https://www.propertyfiles.co.nz/property/227CannonHill
Room for Every Generation-Rooted in 40 years of family history, this expansive three-level residence places space and versatility in the spotlight, catering flawlessly to the dynamics of multigenerational households.
Echoes of its 1976 origins are weaved throughout the three-level design, now enhanced by significant upgrades including 2009 John Chaplin improvements and a Town & Country interior, creating a home that honours its past while embracing the future.
This is most vividly expressed on the ground floor, where the solar-heated indoor pool and spa set the stage for year-round enjoyment. A dedicated bathroom and living area elevate the ambience of escape, offering the flexibility to serve as guest quarters.
Ascend to the middle level, where the kitchen, dining area and lounge are complemented by a signature 70s bar, offering a subtle yet nostalgic nod to the modern living domain. This space extends to the sunlit outdoor realm, where panoramic views of the Alps, city, estuary and ocean provide a breathtaking sense of calm.
Three bedrooms and two bathrooms also occupy this floor, while upstairs, the master epitomises retreat, featuring an ensuite, a dedicated deck and unbroken views of the natural landscape.
Functionality is woven into every corner through extensive storage, a separate laundry and a sweeping set of heating solutions. Other enhancements over the years, including reroofing and upgraded cladding, have aligned the home with modern standards, all while preserving its original character.
A distinctive upside for the hillside, the level lawn and expansive garden within the approx 783sqm site are paired with effortless drive-on access to the internal-access three-car garage.
Set across from the reserve and effortlessly connected to Mt Pleasant Primary and outdoor recreation, this home stands as a sanctuary, awaiting its next family chapter to unfold.