Kua puta te rongo, kua hoki mai anō te tāpoi, ā, kua tuwhera rawa a Tekapo mō te pakihi. He kaha ngā hokinga mai o ngā rīhi, ā, kāore e taea te ngaro i ngā rawa pēnei.
E whakakake ana a Bayleys ki te whakaatu i tēnei rawa hou, i whakaarohia hoki, kei roto i ngā waeine e rua, e rua ngā rūma moenga i ia waeine, kua rite pai hei whakangao mō tō whare hararei, hei kāinga rānei me te whiwhinga moni. I hoahoatia mō te ngāwari ki te whakamahi ake, ki te whakaputa moni rānei.
Kei te tūnga o muri, e tuku ana i te noho muna, ka koa koe, ka koa rānei ō manuhiri ki te tirohanga ātaahua pēnei i te pāka, me ngā tirohanga maunga, ā, he wātea hoki mō te hīkoi ki te kāinga o Tekapo. Kei te pokapū o te rohe turuhi e kaha ana te pēhanga, nō reira, he pai te tūnga mō ngā hokinga mai o ngā rīhi.
I hangaia me ngā whare hou katoa, ka koa te rangatira hou ki te noho ā-tau, ā, mō te whakatā i muri i te tūhura i te rohe ataahua o Mackenzie. Kei te hokona me ngā taonga katoa me ngā taputapu kei roto. Kei te whakahaerehia te rawa nei e tētahi tohunga hei whakapiki i ngā hokinga mai o ngā rīhi, ā, ka taea e ngā kaipupuri moni kore mahi te whai whakawhirinaki tonu ki tā rātou rironga hou.
Kei te wātea ngā hokinga mai o ngā rīhi mā te tono, ā, e tohu ana ngā pukapuka whakamua i te rongonui o Tekapo hei ūnga tūruhi matua.
Nā te kaha o te noho, he iti ngā wā e wātea ana mō te tirohanga. Tēnā, whakapā atu ki a Wayne, ki a Jessica rānei i tēnei rā mō ētahi atu mōhiohio, hei rēhita hoki i tō hiahia.
The secret is out, tourism is back and Tekapo is well and truly open for business. Rental returns are strong and properties like this should not be missed.
Bayleys is proud to present this modern and well-thought-out property which consists of two, two-bedroom units which are well set-up as your holiday accommodation investment, or home and income. Designed for versatility for personal use or income generation.
Positioned on a back section which offers privacy, you or your guests will enjoy a picturesque park-like view and alpine vistas, and it is handily situated for a stroll down to the Tekapo village. It sits in the heart of the bustling tourist accommodation area, making it well located for rental returns.
Constructed with all the modern amenities, a new owner can enjoy year-round living and for unwinding after exploring the beautiful Mackenzie region. It is sold with all furniture and chattels included. The property is currently expertly managed to optimise rental returns and passive investors can seamlessly take confidence in their new acquisition.
Rental returns are available on request and strong forward bookings underscore Tekapo’s popularity as a premier tourism destination.
Due to strong occupancy, viewing times are limited. Please contact Wayne or Jessica today for more information and to register your interest.