Rāhui: 8-12 The Promenade, Takapuna i te Wenerei 5 o Huitanguru 2025 i te 9:30 i te ata (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
He kāinga whakahirahira tēnei, kotahi te papa, e tuku ana i te otinga tino pai mō ngā hiahia katoa o tō whānau - he noho ngāwari, he nui te wāhi, kei tōna ake wāhanga whenua motuhake 600m² me te rere ātaahua ki te wāhi whakangahau o waho me te māra. Kua oti katoa te taiapa - he haumaru, he mārū mō āu tamariki me āu mōkai ki te tākaro.
I roto, e whā ngā rūma moenga e tautokona ana e ē rua ngā wharepaku (tae atu ki tētahi ensuite i te rūma matua), he wharepaku whānau (me tētahi pati) me tētahi wharepaku motuhake. He maha ngā rā e whiti ana ki roto i te rūma noho motuhake, ā, he pai te rere o te kīhini me te wāhi kai ki waho tūmataiti. He whenua tino pai me ngā māra pakeke e hanga ana i tētahi atahanga ataahua, e tuku ana i te rangimārie me te mārie e tika ana hei mawhiti i ngā wero o te ao hou. He rauemi hanga roa, kua whakamātautauria e tuku ana i te māia - he pono te hanga kirikiri me te tīta!
Mēnā kāore anō kia rahi ngā āhuatanga o te kāinga hei whakamīharo, ka kapi te mahi i te wāhi. He ngāwari te hīkoi ki te Kāreti o Rangitoto, kei te rohe hoki mō te Kura Tuarua o Westlake Girls', te Kura Tuatahi o Mairangi Bay me te Kura Takawaenga o Murrays Bay, e tuku ana i ngā kōwhiringa mātauranga whakahirahira. Anō hoki, kei te tata koe ki te takutai o te rohe, ngā pokapū hokohoko, ngā whare hākinakina o AUT Millennium, me te Park’n’Ride o Constellation, he haumi tino kore e taea te patu.
Ka tino pārekareka tēnei kāinga ataahua ki te huhua o ngā kaihoko, tae atu ki ngā whānau e kukume ana ki ngā kura rongonui me ngā kaituku moni mātau.
E taunakitia ana kia tere te mahi - whakapā mai ināianei mō ētahi atu kōrero!
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i Barfoot & Thompson
21 Ronald Macken Place, Mairangi Bay, North Shore City, Auckland Easy Living in Brilliant Location!Auction: 8-12 The Promenade, Takapuna on Wednesday 5 February 2025 at 9:30AM (unless sold prior)
This fabulous, one level home offers the perfect solution for all your family's needs - easy living, plenty of space, on its own freehold 600m² section with seamless flow to outdoor entertaining area and garden. All fully fenced - safe and secure for your kids and pets to play in.
Inside, four bedrooms are complemented by two bathrooms (including an ensuite off the master), a family bathroom (with a bathtub) and a separate WC. Separate lounge lets plenty of sun in and the kitchen & dining area flows well to private outdoors. Immaculate grounds and mature gardens set a picturesque scene, offering peace and tranquility that provide a much-needed escape from the demands of modern life. Durable, proven building materials offer peace of mind - brick & cedar construction is highly reliable!
If the home’s features weren’t already enough to impress, the location seals the deal. It’s an easy walk to Rangitoto College, also zoned for sought-after Westlake Girls’ High School, Mairangi Bay Primary and Murrays Bay Intermediate, offering fantastic schooling options. Plus, you’re close to the local beach, shopping malls, AUT Millennium sports facilities, and the Constellation Park’n’Ride, making this an unbeatable investment.
This lovely home will appeal to an array of buyers, including families drawn to the popular schools and astute investors.
Immediate action is recommended - contact us now for more info!