E tū ana tēnei āhuatanga noho ātaahua i tētahi tūranga tino pai i roto i tētahi taiao tūmataiti kua whakatūria, hei wāhi whakaruruhau tino pai. I te haerenga mā te ara taraiwa rākau-rārangi, ka tino mīharo koe ki tēnei whare āhua, kei runga i te 5.68 heketea (tata) o te whenua, ā, e karapotia ana e te ātaahua māori pakeke whakahirahira.
He nui te whenua pukepuke nei, ā, he nui anō te wāhi mō te whanaketanga anō me ngā pae tukutuku maha e tiro whānui ana ki te whanga o Tāmaki. Ko te kīhini, te ngākau o te kāinga e hono ana ki tētahi pātītī whakaruruhau nui, me tētahi ahi tuwhera he tino pai mō te manaaki manuhiri me te whakatā i waho.
Kei raro hoki, he rūma whānau nui, he rūma moe kapi i te rā, he tari kāinga motuhake, he wharepaku ātaahua, he rūma horoi, me tētahi karāti nui me te rokiroki nui. Kei runga, e rua ngā rūma moe rahi me ngā kākahu hīkoi, me tētahi rūma moe nui me ngā matapihi whānui e hopu ana i te māramatanga tūturu me ngā tirohanga whakamīharo o te māra.
He nui ngā mahi ā-waho i te papa whenua kua whakapaipai tino pai, kei reira he puna kaukau kua whakamahana i te rā, he pergola taha puna, me tētahi pae māra ātaahua. Whakarongo ki ngā painga o te noho tuawhenua me Whitford, ngā akoranga korowha, ngā whare kawhe, me ngā mākete kei tō tatau. Kei tata anō te Māra o Ayrlies me te Takutai o Whitford - Turanga Creek, ā, he poto noa te taraiwa ki te Pokapū o Botany me te Kāinga o Clevedon.
Ahakoa kei te rapu koe i tētahi kāinga marino hei whakatā i muri i tētahi rā pukumahi, hei taiao mahi-ā-kāinga whakaahua rānei, kāore e taea te ngaro i tēnei rawa.
16 Potts Road, Whitford, Manukau City, Auckland Charming Whitford estateThis beautiful lifestyle property is positioned superbly in an established, private setting, making a perfect sheltered sanctuary.
Passing through the tree-lined driveway, immediately impressed by this character home, situated on 5.68 hectares (approx.) of land and surrounded by magnificent mature natural beauty.
This generous rolling landscape has plenty of scope for further development with numerous house sites with sweeping views across the Auckland harbour.
The kitchen, the heart of the home adjoining a spacious, covered patio with an alfresco fireplace is ideal for outdoor entertaining and relaxation.
Additionally, the downstairs includes a generous family room, a sun-soaked bedroom, a dedicated home office, a gorgeous bathroom, a laundry room and a huge garage with ample storage.
Upstairs, there are two sizable bedrooms with walk-in robes and a large bedroom with expansive windows capturing the natural light and enchanting views of the garden.
Outdoor activities abound in the meticulously landscaped backyard, featuring a fully fenced solar-heated swimming pool, poolside pergolas and a stunning garden bar.
Experience the best of rural living with Whitford, golf courses, cafes and markets at your doorstep. Ayrlies Garden and Whitford Beach - Turanga Creek are close by and just a short drive to Botany Town Centre and Clevedon Village.
Whether you're looking for a serene home to unwind in after a busy day or a picturesque work-from-home environment, this property is not to be missed.