E noho ana te wāhi whakahirahira o Wawata Estate ki runga i te puke e titiro ana ki ngā taha e rua o ngā takutai ataahua o Waiheke, e whakamanamana ana i ngā whenua pāka taiao, ngā pukepori, me ngā poraka whanaketanga e 25 kua tāpiritia atu ki te whenua o te rohe. Ko te hunga waimarie ka riro i a rātou tētahi o ngā pae whenua e toe ana ka kitea ngā tirohanga moana mutunga kore, ngā tirohanga tuawhenua marino, me ngā ngahere taketake kaore anō kia pa ki te ringa tangata, me Palm Beach me Onetangi e tata ana, e tuku ana i te pūmanawa mutunga kore mō te oranga e tika ana kia whai.
Ahakoa te nui o te whenua pāmu, he iti noa iho ngā pae whanaketanga kua whakaritea kia tukuna, kia tiakina ai te whenua me te tāpiri atu (kaua ki te tango atu) i te ātaahua tuku iho, hākoakoa o Waiheke. He nui te hiahia ki te hanganga aro mua me te wāhi rangatira o Wawata i te mea kei te hangaia e ētahi o ngā kaihoahoa rongonui o te motu ō rātou kāinga i te hapori kua oti te taiapa, e waihanga ana i ngā nohonga whai whakaaro (e ū ana ki te waehere hoahoa o Wawata) puta noa i te pāka nui.
Waea atu ki ō mātou kaihoko i tēnei rā ki te kōrero mō ngā kōwhiringa e wātea ana.
13 Lots Wawata Estate,, Waiheke Island, Auckland Live in Timeless BeautyThe spectacular sanctuary of Wawata Estate sits perched atop a ridge between two of Waiheke's most idyllic beaches, boasting sprawling natural parkland, rolling hills, and 25 thoughtful development plots seamlessly integrated into the local landscape. Those lucky enough to secure one of the few remaining sites will find endless ocean views, tranquil rural vistas, and untouched native bush on their doorstep, with Palm Beach and Onetangi just a few minutes away, offering endless potential for a life well lived.
Despite the farmland site's vastness, only a small set of carefully placed development sites are on offer, so as to respectfully preserve the land and add to (not detract from) Waiheke's quaint, timeless allure. So desirable is Wawata's future-focused infrastructure and elevated address that some of the country's leading architects are making the gated community home, crafting thoughtful residences (in keeping with Wawata's design code) across the sprawling estate.
Call our agents today to discuss the options available.