Karoa te mōrearea, te wā, me te riri o te whakahaere i tētahi tukanga whakaaetanga Kaunihera e kaha haere ana te uaua. He kaupapa tēnei kua rite ki te hanga, kua whakaaetia te Whakaaetanga Rauemi, te Whakaaetanga Hanga, me te EPA.
E 35 ngā nohonga whare kei roto i ngā whirihoranga maha o ngā whare motuhake, ngā whare rua, me ngā whare taone. Ka taea te whakaoti i te kaupapa i ētahi atamira maha kia rite ki ō hiahia.
Kei te tū tata ki te kāinga hihiko o Titirangi me te hokomaha e tipu haere ana o New Lynn, he ngāwari te uru atu ki ngā momo ratonga, toa, wharekai, wharekawhe, me ngā kōwhiringa waka. Kei te tata anō hoki te Karapu Korowha o Titirangi i te huarahi poto i runga ake.
Ngā taipitopito i te titirohanga tuatahi:
• E rua ngā Taitara korehere, 6,703sqm te rahi o te whenua.
• He ara taraiwa whānui mā ngā waka e rua me te huarahi hīkoi.
• RC + BC + EPA mō te Whanaketanga Whare 35.
• He whenua piki ki te raki me ngā tirohanga ki te CBD.
• 50 Ngā Wāhi Tūnga Waka kei ngā Mahere
• E rua ngā rawa o nāianei e whakarato ana i te reti o $75,000 ia tau.
Tēnā whakapā atu ki a Yimin 022 474 1325 rāua ko Rainey 021 399 382 i tēnei rā mō ētahi atu mōhiohio me ngā kōwhiringa tirohanga.
Ka powhiritia ngā mahitahi katoa.
207 & 209 Golf Road, Titirangi, Waitakere City, Auckland Ready! Steady! Build!Avoid the risk, time, and frustration of dealing with an increasingly unreasonable Council approval process. This is a ready to build project, Resource Consent, Building Consent, and EPA all approved.
There are 35 residential dwellings in multiple configurations of standalone homes, duplex homes, and townhouses. The project may be completed in a number of stages to suit your needs.
Positioned near the vibrant Titirangi Village and the burgeoning New Lynn Mall, it boasts easy access to various amenities, shops, cafes, restaurants, and multiple transportation options. With it's namesake Titirangi Golf Club just a short stop up the road.
Details at a glance:
• Two freehold Titles, 6,703sqm in land size.
• Wide two lane access driveway with footpath.
• RC + BC + EPA for 35 Dwelling Development.
• North facing elevated land with views of CBD.
• 50 Vehicles Parking Spaces in Plans
• Two existing properties provide rental of $75,000 pa.
Please contact Yimin 022 474 1325 and Rainey 021 399 382 today for more information and viewing options.
All conjunctions welcome.