He uaua ki te kimi i ngā kupu tika hei whakaahua i te māhaki o ētahi whare, ā, ko tēnei tētahi o aua whare rā! Nau mai ki te 33 Dawnhaven Drive, kei te takiwā rongonui o Te Atatu Peninsula.
Kua tino tūturu te tūnga me te hoahoa o tēnei kāinga hei whakamāximā i ngā tirohanga whānui whakahirahira. Me tētahi papatāwhai e karapoti ana, ka rukuhia koe e te tirohanga me te rā, puta noa i te rā.
He kāinga tino pai mō te whānau; e 5 ngā rūma moe, e 2 ngā wharepaku me e 2 ngā rūma noho, ka āhei te noho ngāwari, te noho māhorahora a te whānau, puta noa i ngā papa e rua.
Ka tīmata te papa whenua ki te tautuhi i te reo tika me tētahi urunga ataahua, pōwhiri hoki. Kei konei koe ka kite i tētahi rūma whānau, e rua ngā rūma moe me tētahi wharepaku ā-rūma i te rūma matua. I te ata ka taea e koe te pai ki tētahi parakuihi mārie i runga i te papatāwhai.
He arawhata kua whāriki hou ka ārahi i a koe ki runga ki te wāhi noho mahere tuwhera matua, ka tūtaki tonu koe ki te papatāwhai e karapoti ana, ā, ka mīharo koe i ngā tirohanga whakamīharo puta noa i te whanga i waenga i te West Harbour Marina me te Taone, me ngā wāhi katoa i waenganui.
I tēnei taumata ka kitea e koe ētahi atu rūma moe takirua e toru he mārama, he kanapa, he wharepaku anō hoki me tētahi wharepaku wehe. Ka peke tō whānau me ō hoa ki te whai wāhi ki te haere mai mō tētahi hui, ā, mā te kīhini, me tētahi pātaka nui mō te kaitao, ka ngāwari te manaaki manuhiri.
Hei ngā rā pai, ka taea e koe te hīkoi i te ara takutai e tata ana, ā, ka noho koe ki roto i te ua, ka taea te pārekareka ki te pō kiriata, nā te kaupapa whakairi i te tuanui i te rūma noho matua.
He hari nui tōku ki te kawe mai i tēnei kāinga takutai hira - waea mai ki ahau i tēnei rā ki te whakarite i tētahi tirohanga, ā, kia rite ki te pākia e te mīharo!
33 Dawnhaven Drive, Te Atatu Peninsula, Auckland City, Auckland Spectacular Panoramic Views!It's hard to find the right words to describe the magic of some properties and this is definitely one of them! Welcome to 33 Dawnhaven Drive, in the popular suburb of Te Atatu Peninsula.
This home is perfectly positioned and designed to maximise the spectacular panoramic views. With a wraparound deck, you'll be soaking up the vista and the sunshine all day long.
It is the perfect family abode; 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 2 living areas allow for relaxed, easy family living spread over two levels.
The ground level sets just the right tone with a gorgeous and welcoming entrance. Here you'll find a family room, two bedrooms and an ensuite off the master bedroom. In the morning you can enjoy a quiet breakfast on the deck.
A newly carpeted stairway leads you up to the main open plan living area, where you'll be immediately drawn to the wraparound deck and mesmerised by the stunning views across the harbour between West Harbour Marina and the City, and everything in between.
On this level you'll find three more light and bright double bedrooms plus a bathroom and a separate toilet. Your family and friends will jump at any opportunity to come over for a catch up, and the kitchen, with a sizeable butler's pantry, will make entertaining a breeze.
When the weather's fine, you can enjoy a walk on the nearby coastal walkway, and when rainy weather keeps you indoors, roll on movie night thanks to the ceiling mounted projector in the main lounge.
I'm delighted to bring you this exceptional coastal home - call me today to arrange a viewing and prepare to be impressed!
To watch the auction online please use this link - https://x5u9a.app.goo.gl/sJMW7