Rāhui: 62 Highbrook Drive, East Tamaki i te Tūrei 26 o Whiringa-ā-rangi 2024 i te 1:00PM (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
E karanga ana ki ngā kaiwhakawhanake, ngā pēke whenua me ngā kaihoko haumi!
Ina patua te whai wāhitanga, kei te rite tonu ngā toa ki te kapo ake. Me te hokinga mai o te tangata kaha o te tōrangapū o Amerika ki te mana anō, me te heke tonu o ngā huamoni, e haere ake nei he ōhanga whakatipu anō mō Aotearoa, ahakoa whakapono koe, kāore rānei, ka tū tēnei i te 20 o Hānuere a tērā tau. Mōu, mahia ināianei i mua i tētahi atu!
Kei waenganui i a Sunnyhills me Farm Cove, me te tūnga pahi kei te tatau, ā, he poto te hīkoi ki te takutai me te Ara Hīkoi Rotary, te Kura Takawaenga o Farm Cove me te Kura Tuatahi o Wakaaranga, kei te tū tēnei rawa nui i tētahi wāhi pai e kukume ana i ngā kaiwhakawhanake, ngā pēke whenua, me ngā kaihoko haumi.
He nui ake te kōrero o tētahi whakaahua i te mano kupu. Tirohia koa te mahere ā-rangi me ngā whakaahua. Me te tūnga tika o ngā wai para me ngā wai āwhā i roto i te wāhanga papatahi 814m2, ka mīharo koe ki te ngāwari me te iti o te utu o ngā mahi whenua ina whanake. He onge ngā kāinga hou i ngā wāhi rongonui pērā i a Sunnyhills me Farm Cove, ka hoko tere rātou, ā, he utu nui ka puta.
He mārō tēnei whare, e toru ngā rūma moenga nui me tētahi rūma tākaro 20m2 ka taea te whakamahi hei rūma moenga tuawhā, e rua ngā wharepaku (tae atu ki tētahi ensuite), he rūma noho nui me tētahi rūma noho motuhake nui, kua whakahoutia e te kaihoko ki tētahi āhua noho tino pai, pērā i te whāriki hou kia kore ai he raruraru mō ngā rangatira hou ki te rapu kairēti me te kohi rēti. I a koe e koa ana ki te rere moni pai, kei te whai hua koe i te pūmanawa nui mō te pikinga o te whai rawa me te pēke whenua pērā i ētahi atu rawa i tēnei rohe. E whakaatu ana ngā tatauranga whānui ko te utu whare i ētahi wāhi pēnei ka rua te piki ia tekau tau, nō reira kia koe hei rangatira waimarie i ngā tau kei te heke mai.
Kei te huri te mākete, pērā anō hoki te āhuatanga o tō mātou kaihoko. Mahia ināianei i mua i te wera rawa o te mākete a tērā tau, ā, ka mutu koe e utu nui ana. Waea mai ināianei ki te whakarite tirohanga motuhake, ki te kōrero rānei mō ō kōwhiringa.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i runga i Barfoot & Thompson
116 Glenmore Road, Sunnyhills, Manukau City, Auckland Multiple Opportunities Await…Calling all developers, land bankers and investors! When opportunity knocks, winners are always ready to grab it.
In the centre of Sunnyhills and Farm Cove, with bus stop at doorstep and in short walking distance to the beach and Rotary Walkway, Farm Cove Intermediate and Wakaaranga Primary School, this great property sits in a premium location appealing to all developers, land bankers and investors.
A picture is worth more than a thousand words. Please refer to the aerial map and pictures. With both waste and storm waters perfectly positioned within the 814m2 flat section, you will be amazed at how easy and cost-effective the earthworks would be when developing. New homes in sought after Sunnyhills and Farm Cove areas are rare, they sell quickly and at great prices. However, it is highly suggested that purchaser do your own due diligence for any of future development before purchase as Watercare has already warned all over eastern suburb has water constraints,
This solid has 3 double bedrooms and a 20m2 rumpus which can be used as the 4th bedroom, 2 bathroom (incl ensuite), a spacious family room and huge separate lounge, vendor has upgraded it to a very comfortable living condition, e.g. new carpet so it’s hassle free for new owners to find tenants and collect the rent. While enjoying the great cash flow, you are also quietly benefitting from the huge potential of capital gain and land banking like other properties in this area. General stats show the house price in some areas like this doubles every ten years, so be the next lucky owner in the years to come.
The market is changing, so is our vendor’s circumstance. Act now before the market becomes too hot next year and you end up paying more. Call us now to book a private viewing or discuss your options.
The following email is the reply from Watercare, original email is available at request.
“Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your inquiry regarding water and wastewater supply network capacity.
Watercare has undertaken a review for this development at 116 Glenmore Road Sunnyhills (8 DUEs). Based on the data available and the information provided at this stage, we can advise the following:
Water & Wastewater supply:
At this time of review, there is sufficient capacity in the transmission water & Wastewater network to accommodate the proposed development.
This may be subject to change in the future.”