E noho rangatira ana i te tihi o te puke, kua kaukauria i te rā, tēnei whare e whā ngā rūma moe, e rua ngā rūma horoi, e tuku ana i ngā tirohanga mutunga kore ki Maunga o Wellington.
Kua hoahoatia te papa whenua mō te whakamarie me te mahi hoki. Ka hangaia e te rūma noho nui he āhuarangi mahana, pōwhiri hoki, me tētahi ahi hau e tāpiri ana i te huatau me te whakamarie.
Ka rere tika te kīhini whai rawa mai i te rohe kai manaaki, e tuku ana i tētahi wāhi honohono, pōwhiri hoki me te nui o te wāhi mō te tunu kai me te huihuinga.
I te papa tuarua, kei te pērā tonu ngā tirohanga whakamīharo. E whā ngā rūma moe rahi, ia tangata e tuku ana i tō rātou ake tirohanga ahurei. Ka mahi te rūma horoi whānau hei tāpiri atu ki te ensuite o te rūma moe matua, ā, he kokonga whakamarie i te arapiki hei wāhi tino pai mō te whakatā.
E rua ngā papa tāwāhi e tuku ana i ngā tautuhinga tino pai mō te manaaki i waho, me te nui o te wāhi mō te kai, te takoto, me te koa ki ngā tirohanga e karapoti ana.
Ko te māra tūmataiti, papa whenua he wāhi marino, tūmataiti hoki me te nui o te wāhi mō ngā wāhi tākaro a ngā tamariki, tērā pea he māra huawhenua, he wāhi whaihua ka taea te whakarite kia rite ki ngā hiahia.
Me te tāroa rua o roto, he horoi kakahu whakauru, he nui ngā wāhi rokiroki, me tētahi rūma paura manuhiri i te papa whenua, he nui te ātaahua o tēnei kāinga.
37 Magma Crescent, Stonefields, Auckland City, Auckland Sun, Views and SpaceProudly perched on the crest of the hill and bathed in sunshine, this four bedroom, two bathroom home offers uninterrupted views of Mount Wellington.
The ground floor is designed for both comfort and functionality, The spacious living room creates a warm and inviting atmosphere with a gas fireplace that adds both style and comfort.
The well-resourced kitchen flows directly from the formal dining area, offering a seamless and inviting space with plenty of room for cooking and gathering.
Upstairs, the views continue to impress. Four generous bedrooms each offer their own unique perspective. The family bathroom serves in addition to the master bedroom's ensuite while a cozy nook on the landing provides the perfect spot for relaxation.
Two alfresco terraces offer the perfect settings for outdoor entertaining, with ample space for dining, lounging, and enjoying the surrounding views.
The flat, private garden provides a serene and secluded retreat with plenty of room for children's play areas, or even a vegetable garden, it's a versatile space that can be tailored to suit.
With internal double garaging, an integrated laundry, plenty of storage, and a guest powder room on the ground floor, this home holds great appeal.