Tender: Ka kati a te Paraire 18 o Oketopa 2024 i te 2:00PM (mena ka hokona i mua)
Kei tētahi o ngā huarahi tino motuhake o Stillwater tēnei wāhanga nohoanga ataahua e tatari ana mō tō whare moemoeā. He 3.0400ha te rahi (tata ki te 7.5 eka) te rahi o tēnei wāhanga e pāhekeheke ana, he papa hanga whare mīharo tōna, ā, mā tōu tirohanga ka whai wāhi koe ki te noho mārie, te noho tūmataiti, me ngā tirohanga tuawhenua mīharo.
I te hanganga o te ara matua hou o Penlink, ka whai hua te hapori o Stillwater i tētahi hononga rori ā-rohe ki te tāone o Stillwater.
Kei te kimi te kaihoko o tāwāhi i tētahi rangatira hou e hiahia ana ki te hanga i tētahi kāinga moemoeā - me hoko tēnei pupuri whenua nui.
Whakaritea tō wāhi pararaiha ināianei!
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i Barfoot & Thompson
7D Willow Lane, Stillwater, Rodney, Auckland Piece of Paradise - 3.04 hectaresSet in one of the most exclusive streets in Stillwater this wonderful lifestyle section is waiting for your dream estate. Approx 3.0400ha (7.5 acres approx) in size this gently sloping section has an incredible building platform and with your vision the location will provide tranquility, peace, privacy and stunning rural views.
With the new Penlink motorway under construction the Stillwater community will benefit from a local road connection at the Stillwater township.
Overseas vendor is looking for a new owner who wants to build a dream home - this large land holding must be sold.
Secure your piece of paradise now!