Nau mai ki tō piringa hou, he whare hou e whakamanamana ana i ngā tirohanga ngahere whakahī, e tuku ana i te ranunga tino pai o te muna me te papai.
E rima ngā rūma moenga me tētahi tari, he rahinga papa 320 sqm (Mol), he raihana kaihanga matua mō ngā tau tekau. He mea hanga ki ngā taputapu kounga teitei. Kei ngā wharepaku ngā taputapu rongonui o te ao a GROHE, e whakaatu ana i te papai me te kounga hirahira.
He whare ataahua tēnei e rua ngā papa, e rima ngā rūma moenga me tētahi tari, e 4.5 ngā wharepaku, kua hoahoatia ātaahua kia whakarato i te whakamarie me te āhua mō koe me tō whānau. Whakaarohia te āhua o te ara ake ki te ataahua marino o te taiao kei waho tonu i tō matapihi!
Kei te whare nei he karāti nui mō ngā waka rua, kei tētahi wāhi tino pai e whakakotahi ana i te watea me te marino.
Whakawhirinaki mai ki a mātou ki te tuku i te wheako noho pai rawa atu, kei reira tō whakamarie me tō pai te mea nui ki a mātou.
Kaua e ngaro i tēnei whai wāhitanga ahurei ki te noho ki te āhua me te papai! Whakapā mai ināianei ki te whakarite i tētahi tirohanga, ā, kia noho ko tēnei moemoeā hei kāinga mōu. Kia pai te tirohanga ki ngā wai mai i te papatāwharau nui e titiro atu ana ki tētahi papa kākāriki tūmataiti, he wāhi marino, he wāhi hāneanea mō ngā ahiahi whakatā.
Kei te tatari tō āhua noho whakamarie!
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i Barfoot & Thompson
17 Seagreen Avenue, Karaka, Franklin, Auckland Charming Location with Great Wide ViewsWelcome to your brand-new modern sanctuary with breathtaking bush views, offering the perfect blend of privacy and luxury.
5 bedrooms plus study with 320 sqm (Mol) floor area, 10-year master builder guarantee. Build with high spec and quality. The bathrooms are equipped with world renowned GROHE fixtures, showcasing luxury and exceptional quality.
This stunning two-level 5-bedroom plus study, 4.5-bathroom home is meticulously designed to provide comfort and style for you and your family. Imagine waking up to the serene beauty of nature right outside your window!
Featuring a spacious double garage, this property at an unbeatable location combines convenience with tranquility.
Trust us to provide you with the best living experience, where your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities.
Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to live in style and luxury! Contact us now to schedule a viewing and make this dream home yours. Enjoy the water views from the large outdoor deck overlooking a private green reserve, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere for relaxing evenings.
Your peaceful retreat living style awaits!