Tender: Ka kati i te Rāpare te 24 o Oketopa 2024 i te 4:00PM (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
Kāore e maha ngā kāinga pēnei me tēnei te rangatira, te wā roa e puta mai ai mō te hoko. He tohu te nui o tēnei whenua, 1,184m2 ake iti iho rānei, ki te aroha me te ngākau nui a te rangatira ki tō rātou kāinga mō ngā tau e 30 kua hipa.
Kei raro i te Little Rangitoto Reserve, e anga whakateraki ana tēnei kāinga i te tihi teitei o Ventnor, e tirohia ana ngā tirohanga whānui o te moana me te whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau.
Hei tētahi o ngā whare taketake o Ventnor Road, he hītori tōna āhua ataahua nō ngā tau tōmua o te 1920. Mai i taua wā, kua āta whakahoutia ngā wāhi kia pai ai te tirohanga, kia hāngai hoki ki te noho ā-whānau o ēnei rā. I te tau 1995, i te wā o te whakahoutanga, i whakaurua anō te hiko, te paipa, ngā pakitara, te mātao, me te tuanui, ā, kua tiakina tino pai te whare, tae atu ki ngā taipitopito o te wā, pērā i ngā papa rākau, ngā tāhūhū kua whakairohia, me ētahi atu whakapaipai ataahua. He rongo whakaiti kei muri i te kuaha matua.
He nui whakaharahara te rahi o roto, e whakarato ana i ngā rūma ōkawa me ngā rūma noa e hono ana, tae atu ki tētahi kīhini hou, he tino pai mō te manaaki tangata, ahakoa nui, ahakoa iti. Ka āhei te rūma noho ā-whānau me te kai ki te wheako i ngā tirohanga whakamīharo mai i tētahi taha ki waho. Mai i te papatākaro whakangahau whānui, ka titiro koe ki runga ake i ngā tuanui ki te Moutere o Rangitoto, ngā wai o te whanga, ki Maunga-a-Tara me Maunga-a-Kiwa ki Tāmaki, me te āhua o te taone. Ki te rāwhiti ko Maunga-a-Tara me ngā Maunga o Coromandel.
He whare pākiki mō te whānau me ngā wharepaku e whā me ngā rūma moenga e whā, tae atu ki te rūma i runga rawa me tētahi wharepaku me te rūma matua e whai ana i tētahi wharepaku. Kei runga ake i te whare tārua nui/rawa atu te rūma i runga rawa, e whai wāhi ana ki ērā tirohanga whakahirahira, he wāhi tino pai mō te taiohi, mō te manuhiri rānei. Ka oati te whakamarie me te whakawera papa hau me te ahi rākau Jet Master. He ahi tuarua kei te whare pukapuka i runga. He tāpiri anō te whare tārua rua mō te rokiroki waka.
Kua karapotia tēnei kāinga e ngā māra kua whakatūria, he tūmataiti, he whakaaweawe hoki ki te tūhura. He tino tika te āhua noho, kei te tata ki ngā wharekai me ngā toa boutique o Upland Village me te Orakei Basin, he ngāwari hoki te uru atu ki Remuera Village, te CBD me ngā kura tūmataiti me ngā kura tūmatanui pai.
Kaua e ngaro i tēnei whai wāhitanga rerekē. Waea atu ki a Leila rāua ko David i tēnei rā.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi kei Barfoot & Thompson
6 Ventnor Road, Remuera, Auckland City, Auckland Grandstand Lifestyle PositionHomes of this timeless distinction rarely surface for sale. The magnificence of this 1,184m2 more or less, property is a testament to the owner’s love and devotion to their family home for the past 30 years.
With Little Rangitoto Reserve below, this home faces due north on the highest crest of Ventnor, beholding Auckland's vast sea and landscape views.
As one of the original houses of Ventnor Road, its gracious character dates to the early 1920s. Since then, the spaces have been sympathetically altered and updated to take advantage of the aspect and suit modern family living. Rewired, replumbed, relined, insulated and reroofed in the 1995 restoration, the home has been beautifully preserved, including many of the period details, such as the timber floors, coffered ceilings, and finer embellishments. A humbling sense of awe awaits behind the front entrance.
The internal footprint is astoundingly large, providing inter-connected formal and casual rooms and a modern kitchen, all ideal for hosting big or small occasions. The family living room and dining invite you to experience dazzling views from an alfresco aspect. From the extensive entertainer's deck, you'll look out above rooftops to Rangitoto Island, the harbour waters, Devonport's Mt Victoria and North Head, and the city skyline. To the East is Mt Wellington and the Coromandel Ranges.
Accommodating the family are four bathrooms and four bedrooms, including the loft with an ensuite and the master suite featuring an ensuite. The loft is privately set above the oversized double garage/workshop and shares in those stunning vistas, offering the perfect teenager or guest retreat. Comfort is promised with underfloor gas heating and the Jet Master woodfire. There is a second fireplace in the upstairs library. A further double garage adds the ability to store a boat.
Established gardens crown this home in tranquil privacy and are inspiring to explore. The lifestyle is quintessentially perfect, situated near the Upland Village cafes and boutique stores and Orakei Basin, with easy access to Remuera Village, the CBD and excellent private and public education.
Don't miss this remarkable opportunity. Call Leila and David today.