E noho ana i te ara takitahi, kei muri i ngā tatau haumarutanga, i te wāhi pai rawa atu pea o Arney Crescent, ko tēnei whare whānau toru-papa, 405m2 te rahi. Ko te wehewehe o ngā wāhi me te meka ka tohatoha ngā wāhi noho matua me te rūma moenga matua i ngā tirohanga whakahirahira, ā, ka whakawhānuihia tōna whaitake mā te whakarato i tētahi ararewa katoa, mēnā kāore koe e hiahia ki te whakamahi i te arawhata. Kei runga i te whenua Freehold e 750m2 te rahi, he mea hanga tēnei kāinga ki ngā rūma moenga e 4-5, e 4 ngā wharepaku tae atu ki ngā ensuite e 2, ā, he rere pai ngā wāhi noho ki te puna kaukau me te wāhi o waho. I hangaia 20 tau ki muri, ā, kua whakahoutia ake nei, kua rite tēnei kāinga mōu kia neke atu! Whakapā mai hei whakarite i tō wātū motuhake ki te tiro i tēnei whare.
56B Arney Crescent, Remuera, Auckland Family Lock Up & Leave - Spectacular ViewsSet peacefully down a private driveway, behind security gates, in arguably the best part of Arney Crescent, is this three level 405m2 family home. The separation of spaces plus the reality that both main living areas and the master bedroom suite share the extraordinary views and are made even more practical by the provision of a full lift, if you don’t wish to use the stairway. Situated on 750m2 of Freehold land this home is made up of 4-5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms including 2 ensuites, and with its living area flowing to the pool and outdoor area. Built 20 years ago and recently upgraded, this home is ready and waiting for you to move in! Get in touch to schedule your private appointment to view.